Library of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Here you can find the Library of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering's opening hours and contact information.
Opening hours
The library is staffed and open to everyone:
Monday–Tuesday: 09:00–15:00
Wednesday: 09:00–12:30
Thursday–Friday: 09:00–15:00
Unstaffed hours
Students at the Centre for Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (Kemicentrum) have access to the library during term time Monday–Friday 07.30–09:00 and 15.00–20:00 (including when a holiday falls on a weekday). Access is by LU Card only.
Staff at the Centre for Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (Kemicentrum) have 24-hour access to the library and the open shelves. Access is by LU Card only.
There is a terminal where you can borrow library books when library staff are not available. It is also possible to return books via a return box when the library is unstaffed.
About the LU Card –
Contact us
Telephone: +46 70 61 75 011
Email: kemibiblioteket [at] science [dot] lu [dot] se (
Address: Naturvetarvägen 22/Sölvegatan 39 A-C, Lund
Postal address: Box 124, 221 00 Lund
Internal mail: Service Point 1
Employees at the Library of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering:
Daniel Lind
Anna Lindén
Kurt Mattsson
Contact details for all librarians at the Library of Science
About the library
The library provides resources and services for students and staff of the Centre for Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, but also the general public. The library specialises in digital and hard copy resources in chemistry, chemical engineering, and food technology. Most of our books may be borrowed. The textbooks for all courses at the Centre for Chemistry and Chemical Engineering may be borrowed, and there is also a reference copy of each textbook.
The library is in the middle of the building and offers quiet, pleasant study spaces. Library users have access to computer terminals and to copiers, scanners, and printers.
Information desk
The Centre for Chemistry and Chemical Engineering's information desk is located in the library. Here we can help you with:
- Directions at Kemicentrum.
- Picking up exams (no older than 6 months).
- Picking up keys for our guest apartments.
- Handing in or retrieving lost and found items.
The administration unit at the Department of Chemistry will help you with other matters, such as:
- Booking and picking up audiovisual equipment
Send an email to: information [at] kc [dot] lu [dot] se (information[at]kc[dot]lu[dot]se) - Adding/Changing access on an LU-card:
Send an email to: access [at] kc [dot] lu [dot] se (access[at]kc[dot]lu[dot]se) - Booking rooms at KC (State: date, time, cost center, name and purpose)
Send an email to: lokalbokning [at] kc [dot] lu [dot] se (lokalbokning[at]kc[dot]lu[dot]se) - Fault reports on AV in the lecture halls:
Send an email to: servicedesk [at] lu [dot] se (servicedesk[at]lu[dot]se) - Questions regarding KC housing:
Send an email to: housing [at] kc [dot] lu [dot] se (housing[at]kc[dot]lu[dot]se)
Contact information for the administration unit at the Department of Chemistry –
Recommend a journal or a book
Do you want the Library of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering to buy a particular journal or book? Send in a recommendation.
Get assistance in buying books for your research
The Library of Science can provide assistance to doctoral students and researchers in buying books for research or teaching.