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Journals in Chemistry

About the list of journals

Most of our printed journals are located in the closed stack at floor -1, and are not for lending. Come to the library counter and we will get them for you. Scientists and other employees have access to the stack. Scan the articles you need at the photocopier.

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Detailed information and conventions in the list of journals


Abstracts. Flour milling and baking research association

Holdings: 1967–1970 (closed stack). ISSN 0430-7941.

Absorption spectra in the ultraviolet and visible region

Holdings: 1–24 (year 1959–1982), index 1–20 (closed stack) [placerade efter Ö]. ISSN 0065-0412.

Accounts of chemical research

Read: Accounts of chemical research online from 1968 to present -
Holdings: 1–47 (year 1968–2014) (closed stack). ISSN 0001-4842.

ACH: models in chemistry

Formerly known as: Acta chimica Hungarica.
Holdings: 131–135 (year 1994–1998):1/2 (closed stack). ISSN 1217-8969.

Acta chemica Scandinavica

Read: Acta chemica Scandinavica online from 1947 to 1999 -
Holdings: 1–53 (year 1947–1999) (Library, Periodica). ISSN 0001-5393.

Acta chimica Academiae scientiarum Hungaricae

Continued as: Acta chimica Hungarica.
Holdings: 1–111 (year 1951–1982) (closed stack). ISSN 0001-5407.

Acta chimica Hungarica

Continued as: ACH.
Formerly known as: Acta chimica Academiae scientiarium Hungaricae.
Holdings: 112–130 (year 1983–1993) (closed stack). ISSN 0231-3146.

Acta crystallographica

Read: Acta crystallographica online from 1948 to present -
Holdings: 1–23 (year 1948–1967) (closed stack). ISSN 0365-110X.

Acta crystallographica. Section A

Read: Acta crystallographica. Section A online from 1968 to present -
Holdings: 24–57 (year 1968–2001) (closed stack). ISSN 0567-7394.

Acta crystallographica. Section B

Read: Acta crystallographica. Section B online from 1968 to present -
Holdings: 24–57 (year 1968–2001) (closed stack). ISSN 0567-7408.

Acta crystallographica. Section C

Read: Acta crystallographica. Section C online from 1983 to present -
Holdings: 39–57 (year 1983–2001) (closed stack). ISSN 0108-2701.

Acta crystallographica. Section D

Read: Acta crystallographica. Section D online from 1993 to present -
Holdings: 49–56 (year1993– 2000) (closed stack). ISSN 0907-4449.

Acta crystallographica. Section E 

Read: Acta crystallographica. Section E online from 2001 to present - ISSN 2056-9890.

Acta crystallographica. Section F 

Read: Acta crystallographica. Section F online from 2005 to present - ISSN 2053-230X.

Advanced synthesis & catalysis

Formerly known as: Journal für Praktische Chemie.
Read: Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis online from 2001 to present - ISSN 1615-4169.

Advances in alicyclic chemistry

Holdings: 1–3 (year 1966–1971) (closed stack). ISSN 0065-2121.

Advances in Biological and Medical Physics

Read: Advances in Biological and Medical Physics online from 1948 to 1980 -
Holdings: 1–10 (1949–1965) (closed stack). ISSN 0065-2245.

Advances in carbohydrate chemistry

Read: Advances in carbohydrate chemistry online from 1945 to 1968 - ISSN 0096-5332.

Advances in carbohydrate chemistry and biochemistry

Read: Advances in carbohydrate chemistry and biochemistry online from 1969 to present - ISSN 0065-2318.

Advances in catalysis

Formerly known as: Advances in catalysis and related subjects.
Read: Advances in catalysis online from 1972 to present - ISSN 0360-0564.

Advances in catalysis and related subjects

Continued as: Advances in catalysis.
Read: Advances in catalysis and related subjects online from 1948 to 1970 - ISSN 0065-2342.

Advances in chemical engineering

Read: Advances in chemical engineering online from 1956 to present - ISSN 0065-2377.

Advances in chemical physics

Holdings: 1–120 (year 1958–2002) (closed stack). ISSN 0065-2385.

Advances in chromatography

Holdings: 1 to present (1965 to present) (Library, Skriftserier). ISSN 0065-2415.

Advances in colloid and interface science

Read: Advances in colloid and interface science online from 1967 to present - ISSN 0001-8686.

Advances in corrosion science and technology

Holdings: 1–7 (year 1970–1980) (closed stack). ISSN 0065-2474.

Advances in electrochemical science and engineering

Continues in part: Advances in electrochemistry and electrochemical engineering.
Holdings: 1–4 (year 1990–1995) (closed stack). ISSN 0938-5193.

Advances in fluorine chemistry

Holdings: 1–7 (year 1960–1973) (closed stack). ISSN 0567-9931.

Advances in food and nutrition research

Formerly known as: Advances in food research.
Read: Advances in food and nutrition research online from 1989 to present - ISSN 1043-4526.

Advances in food research

Continued as: Advances in food and nutrition research.
Read: Advances in food research online from 1948 to 1988 - ISSN 0065-2628.

Advances in free-radical chemistry

Holdings: 1–5 (year 1965–1975) (closed stack). ISSN 0065-264

Advances in heterocyclic chemistry

Read: Advances in heterocyclic chemistry online from 1963 to present - ISSN 0065-2725.

Advances in inorganic chemistry

Formerly known as: Advances in inorganic chemistry and radiochemistry.
Read: Advances in inorganic chemistry online from 1982 to present - ISSN 0898-8838.

Advances in inorganic chemistry and radiochemistry

Continued as: Advances in inorganic chemistry.
Read: Advances in inorganic chemistry and radiochemistry online from 1959 to 1981 - ISSN 0065-2792.

Advances in magnetic and optical resonance

Formerly known as: Advances in magnetic resonance.
Read: Advances in magnetic and optical resonance online from 1990 to 1997 -
Holdings: 15–20 (year 1990–1997) (closed stack). ISSN 1057-2732.

Advances in magnetic resonance

Continued as: Advances in magnetic and optical resonance.
Read: Advances in magnetic and optical resonance online from 1965 to 1990 -
Holdings: 1–14 (year 1965–1990) (closed stack). ISSN 0065-2873.

Advances in molecular relaxation and interaction processes

Continued as: Journal of molecular liquids.
Formerly known as: Advances in molecular relaxation processes.
Read: Advances in molecular relaxation and interaction processes online from 1977 to 1982 - ISSN 0378-4487.

Advances in molecular relaxation processes

Continued as: Advances in molecular relaxation and interaction processes.
Read: Advances in molecular relaxation processes online from 1967 to 1977 - ISSN 0001-8716. 

Advances in molten salt chemistry

Holdings: 1–6 (year 1971–1987) (closed stack). ISSN 0065-2954.

Advances in organic chemistry: methods and results

Holdings: 1–9 (year 1960–1979) (closed stack). ISSN 0065-3047.

Advances in organometallic chemistry

Read: Advances in organometallic chemistry online from 1964 to present - ISSN 0065-3055.

Advances in photochemistry

Holdings: 1–25 (year 1963–2000) (closed stack). ISSN 0065-3152.

Advances in physical organic chemistry

Read: Advances in physical organic chemistry online from 1963 to present - ISSN 0065-3160.

Advances in polymer science

Read: Advances in polymer science online from 1958 to present -
Holdings: 1–153 (year 1958–2000), 208 (year 2007) (closed stack). ISSN 0065-3195.

Advances in quantum chemistry

Read: Advances in quantum chemistry online from 1964 to present - ISSN 0065-3276.

Agricultural and biological chemistry

Read: Agricultural and biological chemistry online from 1961 to 1991 -
Holdings: 28–55 (year 1964–1991) (closed stack). ISSN 

AIChE journal

Read: AIChE journal online from 1955 to present -
Holdings: 6–51 (year 1960–2005) (Library, Periodica). ISSN 

AIChE symposium series

Formerly known as: Chemical engineering progress. Symposium series.
Holdings: 67:116–319 (year 1972–1998), gaps, (closed stack). ISSN 0065-8812.

American dairy review

Holdings: 27:7–43:5 (year 1965–1981) (closed stack). ISSN 0002-8169.

American journal of clinical nutrition

Read: American journal of clinical nutrition online from 1990 to present -
Holdings: 22–82 (year 1969–2005), gaps, (closed stack). ISSN 0002-9165.

Ammonia plant safety and related facilities

Formerly known as: Safety in air and ammonia plants.
Holdings: 12–29 (year 1969–1989) (closed stack). ISSN 0360-7011.


Read: Analyst online from 1997 to present -
Holdings: 1–127 (year 1876–2002) (closed stack). ISSN 1364-5528.

Analytica chimica acta

Read: Analytica chimica acta online from 1947 to present - ISSN 0003-2670.

Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry

Formerly known as: Fresenius' Journal of Analytical Chemistry, Analusis Magazine (France), Quimica Analitica (Spain).
Read: Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry online from 2002 to present - ISSN 

Analytical chemistry

Formerly known as: Industrial and engineering chemistry. Analytical edition.
Read: Analytical chemistry online from 1947 to present -
Holdings: 19–86 (year 1947–2014) (closed stack). ISSN 0003-2700.

Analytical communications

Read: Analytical communications online from 1996 to 1999 -
Holdings: 33–36 (year 1996–1999) (closed stack). ISSN 1359-7337.

Analytical letters

Read: Analytical letters online from 1997 to present -
Holdings: 9–32 (year 1976–1999) (closed stack). ISSN 0003-2719.

Angewandte chemie (1932)

Formerly known as: Zeitschrift für angewandte Chemie.
Continued as Die Chemie.
Holdings: 45–54 (year 1932–1941) (closed stack). ISSN 0932-2140.

Angewandte chemie (1949)

Formerly known as: Angewandte Chemie. Ausgabe A.
Holdings: 61–92 (year 1949–1980) (closed stack). ISSN 0044-8249.

Angewandte chemie. Ausgabe A. Wissenschaftlicher teil

Continued as: Angewandte Chemie.
Formerly known as: Die chemie.
Holdings: 59–60 (year 1947–1948) (closed stack). ISSN 0170-9046.

Angewandte chemie. International edition in english

Continued as: Angewandte Chemie. International edition.
Read: Angewandte Chemie. International edition in English online from 1996 to 1997 -
Holdings: 20–36 (year 1980–1997) (closed stack). ISSN 0570-0833.

Angewandte chemie. International edition

Formerly known as: Angewandte Chemie. International edition in English.
Read: Angewandte Chemie. International edition online from 1998 to present -
Holdings: 37–55 (year 1998–2016) (closed stack). ISSN 1433-7851.

Angewandte chemie. Supplement

Holdings: 1982–1983 (closed stack). ISSN 0721-4227.

Angewandte makromolekulare chemie

Continued as Macromolecular materials and engineering
Holdings: 58/59–213 (year 1997–1993) (closed stack). ISSN 0003-3146.

Annalen der chemie und pharmacie

Continued as: Justus Liebig's Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie.
Holdings: 109–168 (year 1859–1873) (closed stack). 

Annales de chimie

Formerly known as: Annales de chimie et de physique.
Holdings: Sér.9 (year 1914):T.1–Sér.15 (year 1988):T.13 (closed stack). ISSN 0151-9107.

Annales de chimie et de physique

Continued as: Annales de chimie.
Read: Annales de chimie et de physique online from 1816 to 1913 -
Holdings: 4:19–8:30 (year 1870–1913) (closed stack). ISSN 0003-3936.

Annual memento. International dairy federation

Holdings: 1970–1981, gaps, (closed stack). ISSN 0538-7078.

Annual report. National institute for research in dairying

Holdings: 1932–1935 (closed stack).

Annual reports in organic synthesis

Holdings: 1970(tr. 1971)–2000 (closed stack). ISSN 0066-409X.

Annual reports on NMR spectroscopy

including: Annual review of NMR spectroscopy
Read: Annual reports on NMR spectroscopy online from 1968 to present - ISSN 0066-4103.

Annual reports on the progress of chemistry

Continued as: Annual reports on the progress of chemistry, parts A, B and C.
Read: Annual reports on the progress of chemistry online from 1904 to 1966 - ISSN 1754-7512

Annual reports on the progress of chemistry. A General, physical, and inorganic chemistry

Continued as: Annual reports on the progress of chemistry. A.
Read: Annual reports on the progress of chemistry. A online from 1967 to 1972 - ISSN 0069-3022.

Annual reports on the progress of chemistry. A Physical and inorganic chemistry

Continued as: Annual reports on the progress of chemistry. A.
Formerly known as: Annual reports on the progress of chemistry. A.
Read: Annual reports on the progress of chemistry. A online from 1973 to 1978 -

Annual reports (on the progress of chemistry) Section A. Inorganic chemistry

Formerly known as: Annual reports on the progress of chemistry. A.
Read: Annual reports on the progress of chemistry.A online from 1979 to 2013 - ISSN 1460-4760.

Annual reports on the progress of chemistry. B Organic chemistry

Read: Annual reports on the progress of chemistry.B online from 1967 to 2013 - ISSN 1460-4779.

Annual reports on the progress of chemistry. C Physical chemistry

Read: Annual reports on the progress of chemistry. C online from 1979 to 2013 - ISSN 1460-4787.

Annual review of biochemistry

Read: Annual review of biochemistry online from 1932 to present - ISSN 1545-4509.

Annual review of NMR spectroscopy

see: Annual reports on NMR spectroscopy.

Annual review of physical chemistry

Read: Annual review of physical chemistry online from 1950 to present - ISSN 1545-1593.

Annual reviews of industrial and engineering chemistry

Holdings: 1970(pr. year 1972)–1971 (pr. year 1994) (closed stack). ISSN 0096-7203.

Annual survey of photochemistry

Holdings: 1–3 (year 1969–1971) (closed stack). ISSN 0066-4421.

Applied biochemistry and biotechnology

Formerly known as: Journal of solid-phase biochemistry.
Read: Applied biochemistry and biotechnology online from 1982 to present - ISSN 1559-0291.

Applied biochemistry and microbiology
Prikladnaya biokhimiya i mikrobiologiya

Read: Applied biochemistry and microbiology online from 2000 to present -
Holdings: 4–41 (year 1968–2005) (closed stack). ISSN 1608-3024.

Applied catalysis

Continued as: Applied catalysis, A and B.
Read: Applied catalysis online from 1950 to 1991 - ISSN 0166-9834.

Applied catalysis. A: General

Formerly known as: Applied catalysis.
Read: Applied catalysis. A: General online from 1991 to present - ISSN 0926-860X.

Applied catalysis. B. Environmental

Formerly known as: Applied catalysis.
Read: Applied catalysis. B. Environmental online from 1992 to present - ISSN 0926-3373.

Applied microbiology and biotechnology

Formerly known as: European journal of applied microbiology and biotechnology.
Read: Applied microbiology and biotechnology online from 1984 to present -
Holdings: 19–55 (year 1984–2001) (closed stack). ISSN 0175-7598.

Applied polymer symposia

Holdings: 2–55 (year 1966–1994), gaps, (closed stack). ISSN 0570-4898.

Applied spectroscopy

Read: Applied spectroscopy online from 1999 to present -
Holdings: 23–59 (year 1969–2005); 60:1–2 (year 2006) (closed stack). ISSN 0003-7028.

Applied spectroscopy reviews

Read: Applied spectroscopy reviews online from 1997 to present -
Holdings: 1–28 (year 1968–1993) (closed stack). ISSN 0066-5541.

Archiv für Lebensmittelhygiene

Holdings: 20–44 (year 1969–1993) (closed stack). ISSN 0003-.925X

Archives of biochemistry and biophysics

Read: Archives of biochemistry and biophysics online from 1951 to present - ISSN 0003-9861.

Archives of physiology and biochemistry

Read: Archives of physiology and biochemistry online from 1998 to present -
Holdings: 103–118 (year 1995–2012) (closed stack). ISSN 1381-3455.

Arhiv za kemiju

Continued as Croatica chimica acta.
Holdings: 20–27 (year 1948–1955) (closed stack). ISSN 0365-3730.

Arkiv för kemi

Continued as: Chemica scripta.
Holdings: 1–32 (year 1950–1970) (closed stack). ISSN 0365-6128.

Arkiv för kemi, mineralogi och geologi

Holdings: 1–26 (year 1903–1949) (closed stack). ISSN 0365-3781.

Arkiv för mineralogi och geologi

Continues in part: Arkiv för kemi, mineralogi och geologi. 
Holdings: 1–5 (year 1948–1974):1, gaps, (closed stack). ISSN 0004-2099.

Australian food manufacture and distributor

Formerly known as: Food manufacture and distributor.
Holdings: 41–49:1 (year 1971–1979) (closed stack). ISSN 0004-9131.

Australian journal of chemistry

Holdings: 6–40 (year 1953–1987) (closed stack). ISSN 0004-9425.

Australian journal of dairy technology

Holdings: 19–65 (year 1964–2010), gaps: 58:3, 59:2, 63:1–2 (closed stack), [53–65 (1998–2010) placerade efter Ö]. ISSN 0004-9433.


Baker's digest

Continued as: Reference source.
Holdings: 43–61 (year 1969–1987) (closed stack). ISSN 0191-6114.

Berichte der Bunsen-Gesellschaft. Physical chemistry, chemical physics

Continued as: PCCP. Physical chemistry chemical physics.
Formerly known as: International journal of physical chemistry.
Holdings: 99–102 (year 1995–1998) (closed stack).

Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft für physikalische chemie

Continued as: (partly) International journal of physical chemistry.
Formerly known as: Zeitschrift für Elektrochemie.
Holdings: 67–94 (year 1963–1990) (closed stack). ISSN 0005-9021.

Berichte der Deutschen chemischen gesellschaft

Continued as: Berichte der Deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft.Abt. A, and Abt. B.
Read: Berichte der Deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft online from 1868 to 1901 -
Holdings: 1–61 (year 1868–1928) (Library, Periodica). ISSN 0365-9496.

Berichte der Deutschen chemischen gesellschaft. Abt. A

Continued as: Chemische Berichte.
Formerly known as: Berichte der Deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft.
Holdings: 62–77 (year 1929–1945) (Library, Periodica). ISSN 0365-947X.

Berichte der Deutschen chemischen gesellschaft. Abt. B

Continued as: Chemische Berichte.
Formerly known as: Berichte der Deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft.
Holdings: 62–77 (year 1929–1945) (Library, Periodica). ISSN 0365-9488.

Biochemical journal 

Read: Biochemical journal online from 1906 to present -
Holdings: 217 to present (1984 to present) (closed stack). ISSN 0264-6021.

Biochemical preparations

Holdings: 1–13 (year 1949–1971) (closed stack). ISSN 0067-8686.

Biochemical society transactions 

Read: Biochemical society transactions online from 1973 to present -
Holdings: 1–30 (year 1973–2002) (closed stack). ISSN 0300-5127.


Read: Biochemistry online from 1906 to present -
Holdings: 1–40 (year 1962–2001) (closed stack) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Biochemistry. ISSN 0006-2960.

Biochemistry and molecular biology international

Continued as: IUBMB life.
Formerly known as: Biochemistry international.
Read: Biochemistry and molecular biology international online from 1996 to present -, included in IUBMB life.
Holdings: 29–47 (year 1993–1999) (closed stack). ISSN 1039-9712.

Biochemistry international

Continued as: Biochemistry and molecular biology international.
Holdings: 6–28 (year 1983–1992) (closed stack). ISSN 0158-5231.

Biochimica et biophysica acta

Read: Biochimica et biophysica acta online from 1947 to 1963 - ISSN 0006-3002.

Biochimica et biophysica acta. Bioenergetics

Read: Biochimica et biophysica acta. Bioenergetics online from 1967 to present - ISSN 0005-2728.

Biochimica et biophysica acta. Biomembranes

Read: Biochimica et biophysica acta. Biomembranesa online from 1967 to present - ISSN 0005-2736.

Biochimica et biophysica acta. Biophysics including photosynthesis

Read: Biochimica et biophysica acta. Biophysics including photosynthesis online from 1965-1966 - ISSN 0926-6585.

Biochimica et biophysica acta. Enzymology

Read: Biochimica et biophysica acta. Enzymologyta online from 1967 to 1981 - ISSN 0005-2744.

Biochimica et biophysica acta. Enzymology and biological oxidations

Read: Biochimica et biophysica acta. Enzymology and biological oxidations online from 1965 to 1966 - ISSN 0926-6593.

Biochimica et biophysica acta. Gene regulatory mechanisms

Read: Biochimica et biophysica acta. Gene regulatory mechanismsa online from 2008 - present - ISSN 1874-9399.

Biochimica et biophysica acta. Gene structure and expression

Read: Biochimica et biophysica acta. Gene structure and expression online from 1982 to 2007 - ISSN 0167-4781.

Biochimica et biophysica acta. General subjects

Read: Biochimica et biophysica acta. General subjects online from 1964 to present - ISSN 0304-4165.

Biochimica et biophysica acta. Lipids and lipid metabolism

Read: Biochimica et biophysica acta. Lipids and lipid metabolism online from 1965 to 1998 - ISSN 0005-2760.

Biochimica et biophysica acta. Molecular and cell biology of lipids

Read: Biochimica et biophysica acta. Molecular and cell biology of lipids online from 1998 to present - ISSN 1388-1981.

Biochimica et biophysica acta. Molecular basis of disease

Read: Biochimica et biophysica acta. Molecular basis of disease online from 1990 to present - ISSN 0925-4439.

Biochimica et biophysica acta. Molecular cell research

Read: Biochimica et biophysica acta. Molecular cell research online from 1982 to present - ISSN 0167-4889.

Biochimica et biophysica acta. Mucoproteins and mucopolysaccharides

Read: Biochimica et biophysica acta. Mucoproteins and mucopolysaccharides online from 1965 to 1965 - ISSN 0926-6534.

Biochimica et biophysica acta. Nucleic acids and protein synthesis

Read: Biochimica et biophysica acta. Nucleic acids and protein synthesis online from 1965 to 1981 - ISSN 0005-2787.

Biochimica et biophysica acta. Protein structure

Read: Biochimica et biophysica acta. Protein structurea online from 1967 to 1981 - ISSN 0005-2795.

Biochimica et biophysica acta. Protein structure and molecular enzymology

Read: Biochimica et biophysica acta. Protein structure and molecular enzymology online from 1982 to 2002 - ISSN 0167-4838.

Biochimica et biophysica acta. Proteins and proteomics

Read: Biochimica et biophysica acta. Proteins and proteomics online from 2002 to present - ISSN 1570-9639.

Biochimica et biophysica acta. Reviews on bioenergetics

Read: Biochimica et biophysica acta. Reviews on bioenergetics online from 1973 to 1987 - ISSN 0304-4173.

Biochimica et biophysica acta. Reviews on biomembranes

Read: Biochimica et biophysica acta. Reviews on biomembranes online from 1972 to 2002 - ISSN 0304-4157.

Biochimica et biophysica acta. Reviews on cancer

Read: Biochimica et biophysica acta. Reviews on cancer online from 1974 to present - ISSN 0304-419X.

Biochimica et biophysica acta. Specialized section on biophysical subjects

Read: Biochimica et biophysica acta. Specialized section on biophysical subject online from 1964 to 1964 - ISSN 0926-6577

Biochimica et biophysica acta. Specialized section on enzymological subjects

Read: Biochimica et biophysica acta. Specialized section on enzymological subjects online from 1963 to 1964 - ISSN 0926-6569.

Biochimica et biophysica acta. Specialized section on lipids and related subjects

Read: Biochimica et biophysica acta. Specialized section on lipids and related subjects online from 1963 to 1964 - ISSN 0926-6542.

Biochimica et biophysica acta. Specialized section on mucoproteins and mucopolysaccharides

Read: Biochimica et biophysica acta. Specialized section on mucoproteins and mucopolysaccharides online from 1964 to 1964 - ISSN 0926-6526.

Biochimica et biophysica acta. Specialized section on nucleic acids and related subjects

Read: Biochimica et biophysica acta. Specialized section on nucleic acids and related subjects online from 1962 to 1964 - ISSN 0926-6550.


Read: Biodegradation online from 1990 to present - ISSN 1572-9729.


Formerly known as: Bioelectrochemistry and bioenergetics.
Read: Bioelectrochemistry online from 2000 to present - ISSN 1567-5394.

Bioelectrochemistry and bioenergetics

Continued as: Bioelectrochemistry.
Holdings: 6–27 (year 1979–1991) included in: Journal of electroanalytical chemistry and interfacial chemistry. 28 (year 1992) included in: Journal of electroanalytical chemistry. ISSN 0302-4598.

Biological chemistry

Formerly known as: Biological chemistry Hoppe-Seyler.
Read: Biological chemistry online from 1996 to present -
Holdings: 377–391 (year 1996–2010) (closed stack). ISSN 1431-6730.

Biological chemistry Hoppe-Seyler

Continued as: Biological chemistry.
Holdings: 366–376 (year 1985–1996) (closed stack). ISSN 0177-3593.


Read: Biomaterials online from 1980 to present - ISSN 0142-9612.

Bioorganic chemistry

Read: Bioorganic chemistry online from 1971 to present - ISSN 1090-2120.

Biophysical chemistry

Read: Biophysical chemistry online from 1973 to present - ISSN 0301-4622.

Biophysical journal

Read: Biophysical journal online from 1960 to present -
Holdings: 84–95 (year 2003–2008) (closed stack). ISSN 0006-3495.


Formerly known as: Journal of polymer science.
Read: Biopolymers online from 1996 to present -
Holdings: 1–67 (year 1963–2002) (closed stack). ISSN 0006-3525.

Bioprocess and biosystems engineering

Formerly known as: Bioprocess engineering.
Read: Bioprocess and biosystems engineering online from 2001 to present - ISSN 1615-7605.

Bioprocess engineering

Continued as and included in: Bioprocess and biosystems engineering.
Read: Bioprocess engineering online from 1986 to 2000 -
Holdings: 1–11 (year 1986–1994) (closed stack). ISSN 0178-515X.

Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry

Read: Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry online from 1992 to present -
Holdings: 56–81 (year 1992–2017) (closed stack). ISSN 0916-8451.

Bioscience reports

Read: Bioscience reports online from 1981 to present -
Holdings: 4–14 (year 1984–1994) (closed stack). ISSN 0144-8463.


Continued as: Biosensors and bioelectronic.
Read: Biosensors online from 1985 to 1989 - ISSN 0265-928X.

Biosensors and bioelectronics

Formerly known as: Biosensors.
Read: Biosensors and bioelectronics online from 1990 to present - ISSN 0956-5663.

Biotechnology and applied biochemistry

Formerly known as: Journal of applied biochemistry.
Read: Biotechnology and applied biochemistry online from 1996 to present -
Holdings: 8–11 (year 1986–1989) (closed stack). ISSN 0885-4513.

Biotechnology and bioengineering

Formerly known as: Journal of biochemical and microbiological technology and engineering.
Read: Biotechnology and bioengineering online from 1996 to present -
Holdings: Vol. 11–76 (year 1969–2001) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Biotechnology and bioengineering. ISSN 0006-3592.

Borden's review of nutrition research

Continued as: Review of nutrition research.
Holdings: 7–29 (year 1946–1968) (closed stack). ISSN 0006-7679.

British food journal

Read: British food journal online from 1899 to present -
Holdings: 71–98 (year 1969–1996) (closed stack). ISSN 0007-070X.

British journal of nutrition

Read: Acta crystallographica. Section F online from 1947 to present -
Holdings: 89–96 (year 2003–2006) (closed stack). ISSN 0007-1145.

Bulletin de la Société chimique de Belgique

Continued as: Bulletin des Sociétés chimique belges.
Holdings: 29–53 (year 1920–1944) (closed stack). ISSN 0374-6585.

Bulletin de la Société chimique de France

Continued as: European journal of inorganic chemistry, and European journal of organic chemistry.
Holdings: 1958–1997 (closed stack). ISSN 0037-8968.

Bulletin des Sociétés chimique belges

Continued as: European journal of inorganic chemistry, and European journal of organic chemistry.
Formerly known as: Bulletin de la Société chimique de Belgique.
Holdings: 54–106 (year 1945–1997) (closed stack). ISSN 0037-9646

Bulletin of chemical thermodynamics

Formerly known as: Bulletin of thermodynamics and thermochemistry.
Holdings: 20–27 (year 1977–1984) (closed stack). ISSN 0149-2268.

Bulletin of the Academy of science of the USSR. Division of chemical sciences
Izvestija Akademii nauk SSSR. Serija chimičeskaja

Continued as: Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Division of chemical sciences.
Read: Bulletin of the Academy of science of the USSR. Division of chemical sciences online from 1952 to 1991 -
Holdings: 1956–1991 (closed stack). ISSN 0568-5230.

Bulletin of the Chemical society of Ethiopia

Read: Bulletin of the Chemical society of EthiopiaF online from 1987 to present -
Holdings: 1–22 (year 1987–2008), gaps, (closed stack). ISSN 1011-3924.0

Bulletin of the Chemical society of Japan

Read: Bulletin of the Chemical society of JapanF online from 1926 to present -
Holdings: 1–73 (year 1926–2000) (closed stack). ISSN 0009-2673.

Bulletin of the International Dairy Federation

Formerly known as: International Dairy Federation. Bulletin. (Bulletin / Féderation internationale de laiterie).
Holdings: 185–331 (1985–1998), gaps: 208, 227 ,232, 248, 268, 279–281, 292, 300, 305–308, 313, 317, 322–328, (closed stack) [186–331 (1985–1998) placerade efter Ö]. ISSN 0259-8434 / 0250-5118.

Bulletin of the Russian Academy of sciences. Division of chemical science

Formerly known as: Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Div. of chem. science.
Continued as and included in: Russian chemical bulletin.
Read: Bulletin of the Russian Academy of sciences. Division of chemical science online from 1992 to 1992 -
Holdings: 41 (year 1992) (closed stack). ISSN 1063-5211.

Bulletin of thermodynamics and thermochemistry

Continued as: Bulletin of chemical thermodynamics.
Holdings: 1–19 (year 1958–1976) (closed stack). ISSN 0068-4139.


Canadian journal of chemical engineering

Formerly known as: Canadian journal of technology.
Read: Canadian journal of chemical engineering online from 1997 to present -
Holdings: 46–83 (year 1968–2005), gap: 62, (closed stack). ISSN 0008-4034.

Canadian journal of chemistry

Formerly known as: Canadian journal of research. Section B.
Read: Canadian journal of chemistry online from 1951 to present -
Holdings: 29–84 (year 1951– 2006) (closed stack). ISSN 0008-4042.

Canadian journal of research. Section B

Continued as: Canadian journal of chemistry.
Holdings: 18–28 (year 1940–1950) (closed stack). ISSN 0366-7391.

Carbohydrate polymers

Read: Carbohydrate polymers online from 1981 to present - ISSN 0144-8617.

Carbohydrate research

Read: Carbohydrate research online from 1965 to present - ISSN 0008-6215.


Read: Carbon online from 1963 to present - ISSN 0008-6223.

Catalysis letters

Read: Catalysis letters online from 1988 to present -
Holdings: 1–59:1 (year 1988–1999) (closed stack). ISSN 1011-372X.

Catalysis reviews

Continued as: Catalysis reviews: science and engineering.
Holdings: 1–8 (year 1967–1973) (closed stack). ISSN 0360-2451.

Catalysis reviews : science and engineering

Formerly known as: Catalysis reviews.
Read: Catalysis reviews : science and engineering online from 1997 to present -
Holdings: 9–40 (year 1974–1998) (closed stack). ISSN 0161-4940.

Catalysis today

Read: Catalysis today online from 1987 to present - ISSN 0920-5861.

Cereal chemistry

Read: Cereal chemistry online from 1997 to present -
Holdings: 46–86 (year 1969–2009) (Library, Periodica). ISSN 0009-0352.

Cereal foods world

Holdings: 20–46 (year 1975–2001) (closed stack). ISSN 0146-6283.


Read: ChemBioChem online from 2000 to present - ISSN 1439-7633.

ChemBioEng Reviews

Read: ChemBioEng Reviews online from 2014 to present - ISSN 2196-9744.


Read: ChemCatChem online from 2009 to present - ISSN 1867-3899.


Read: ChemElectroChem online from 2014 to present - ISSN

Chemica scripta

Formerly known as: Arkiv för kemi.
Holdings: 1–29 (year 1971–1989) (closed stack). ISSN 0004-2056.

Chemical and engineering news

Read: Chemical and engineering news online from 2016 to 2024 -
Holdings: Last 5 volumes (Library). ISSN 0009-2347.

Chemical and pharmaceutical bulletin

Read: Chemical and pharmaceutical bulletin online from 1958 to present -
Holdings: 19–61 (year 1971– 2013) (closed stack). ISSN 0009-2363.

Chemical and process engineering (1952)

Continued as: CPE Chemical & process engineering & atomic world.
Holdings: 40–41 (year 1959–1960) (closed stack). ISSN 0009-2371.

Chemical biology & drug design

Formerly known as: Journal of peptide research.
Read: Chemical biology & drug design online from 2006 to present - ISSN 1747-0285.

Chemical communications (1965)

Continued as: Journal of the Chemical Society. Section D.
Formerly known as: Proceedings of the Chemical Society (1957).
Read: Chemical communications online from 1965 to 1968 -
Holdings: 1965–1968 (closed stack). ISSN 0009-241X.

Chemical communications (1996)

Formerly known as: Journal of the Chemical Society. Chemical communications.
Read: Chemical communications online from 1996 to present -
Holdings: 1996–2006 (closed stack). ISSN 1359-7345.

Chemical engineering

Holdings: 70–99 (year 1963–1992) (closed stack). ISSN 0009-2460.

Chemical engineering and processing

Formerly known as: VT.
Read: Chemical engineering and processing online from 1984 to present - ISSN 0255-2701.

Chemical engineering and technology

Formerly known as: German chemical engineering.
Read: Chemical engineering and technology online from 1998 to present -
Holdings: 10–25 (year1987– 2002) (closed stack). ISSN 0930-7516.

Chemical engineering communications

Read: Chemical engineering communications online from 1997 to present -
Holdings: 1–74 (year 1973–1988) (closed stack). ISSN 0098-6445.

Chemical engineering computing

Holdings: 1–2 (year 1972–1972) (closed stack). 

Chemical engineering journal

Continued as: Chemical engineering and the biological engineering journal.
Read: Chemical engineering journal online from 1997 to present - ISSN 1385-8947.

Chemical engineering journal (Lausanne)

Formerly known as: Chemical engineering and the biological engineering journal.
Read: Chemical engineering journal (Lausanne) online from 1997 to present - ISSN 1385-8947.

Chemical engineering journal and the biochemical engineering journal

Formerly known as: Chemical engineering journal.
Continued as: Chemical engineering journal (Lausanne).
Read: Chemical engineering journal and the biochemical engineering journal online from 1993 to 1997 - ISSN 0923-0467.

Chemical engineering progress CEP

Holdings: 56–95 (year 1960–1999) (closed stack). ISSN 0360-7275.

Chemical engineering progress. Symposium series

Continued as: AIChE symposium series.
Holdings: 61–115 (year 1966–1971), gaps, (closed stack). ISSN 0069-2948.

Chemical engineering research & design

Formerly known as: Transactions of the Institution of Chemical Engineers.
Read: Chemical engineering research and design online from 1996 to present -
Holdings: 61–76:2 (year 1983–1988), 78:6–80 (year 1989–2002) (closed stack). ISSN 0263-8762.

Chemical engineering science

Read: Chemical engineering science online from 1951 to present -
Holdings: 1–56 (year 1951–2001) (closed stack). ISSN 0009-2509.

Chemical physics

Read: Chemical physics online from 1973 to present - ISSN 0301-0104.

Chemical physics letters

Read: Chemical physics letters online from 1967 to present - ISSN 0009-2614.

Chemical reviews

Read: Chemical reviews online from 1924 to present -
Holdings: 1(year 1925)–2014 (closed stack). ISSN 0009-2665.

Chemical society reviews. Chem Soc Rev

Formerly known as: Quarterly reviews.
Read: Chemical society reviews. Chem Soc Rev online from 1972 to present -
Holdings: 1–35 (year 1972–2006) (closed stack). ISSN 0306-0012.

(Die) Chemie

Formerly known as: Angewandte Chemie (1932).
Continued as Angewandte Chemie. A, Wissenschaftlicher Teil.
Holdings: 55–58 (year 1942–1945) (closed stack). ISSN 0932-2159.

Chemie in unserer zeit

Read: Chemie in unserer Zeit online from 1967 to present -
Holdings: 4–33 (year 1970–1999) (closed stack). ISSN 0009-2851.

Chemie, mikrobiologie, technologie der lebensmittel

Holdings: 1–15 (year 1971–1993) (closed stack). ISSN 0366-7154.


Holdings: 21–71 (year 1949–1999) (closed stack). ISSN 0009-286X.


Continued as: Journal für praktische Chemie, Chemiker-Zeitung.
Holdings: 49–69:3 (year 1925–1945), 74–115 (year 1950–1991) (closed stack). ISSN 0009-2894.

Chemische berichte

Continued as: European journal of inorganic chemistry, and European journal of organic chemistry.
Formerly known as: Berichte der Deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Abt. A und B.
Holdings: 80–130 (year 1947–1997) (Library, Periodica). ISSN 0009-2940.

Chemisches zentralblatt

Holdings: 1870–1957 ; 1958–1963 ; 1964–1969 log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Chemisches Zentralblatt. ISSN 0528-9491.

Chemistry : a european journal

You will find volumes 1–2 in Angewandte Chemie. International edition volumes 34–35
Read: Chemistry: a european journal online from 1995 to present -
Holdings: 1–22 (year 1995–2016) (closed stack). ISSN 0947-6539. 

Chemistry and industry

Read: Chemistry and industry online from 2011 to present -
Read: Chemistry and industry online from 2003 to present (embargo 12 months) -
Holdings: 1943–1999 (closed stack). ISSN 0009-3068.

Chemistry and physics of lipids

Read: Chemistry and physics of lipids online from 1966 to present - ISSN 0009-3084.

Chemistry in Britain

Formerly known as: Proceedings of the Chemical society.
Holdings: 1–35 (year 1965–1999) (closed stack). ISSN 0009-3106.

Chemistry international

Read: Chemistry international online from 1997:4 to present -
Holdings: 1979:3–2003 (closed stack). ISSN 0193-6484.

Chemistry letters

Read: Chemistry letters online from 1972 to present -
Holdings: 1974 to present (closed stack). ISSN 0366-7022.

Chemistry of heterocyclic compounds
Chimija geterocikliceskich soedenii

Read: Chemistry of heterocyclic compounds online from 1965 to present -
Holdings: 1–29 (year 1965–1993) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Chemistry of heterocyclic compounds. ISSN 0069-3154.

Chemistry of materials

Read: Chemistry of materials online from 1989 to present -
Holdings: 6–15 (year 1994–2003) (closed stack). ISSN 0897-4756.


Read: ChemMedChem online from 2006 to present - ISSN 1860-7187.


Read: ChemPhysChem online from 2000 to present - ISSN 1439-7641.


Read: ChemPhotoChem online from 2017 to present - ISSN 2367-0932.


Read: ChemSusChem online from 2008 to present -
Holdings: 1:4–2:2 (year 2008–2009) (closed stack). ISSN 1864-5631.


Formerly known as: Industrial and Engineering Chemistry.
Holdings: 1–29 (year 1971–1999) 1972–1985 with bookspine title: Chemical Technology (closed stack). ISSN 0009-2703.

Chemtracts (1997)

Formerly known as: Chemtracts. Inorganic chemistry.
Holdings: 10–11 (year 1997–1998) (closed stack). ISSN 1431-9268.

Chemtracts. Analytical, physical and inorganic chemistry

Continued as: Chemtracts. Inorganic chemistry.
Holdings: 1–2 (year 1989–1990) (closed stack). ISSN 1048-7840.

Chemtracts. Inorganic chemistry

Continued as: Chemtracts.
Holdings: 3–8:3 (year 1991–1996) (closed stack). ISSN 1051-7227.

Chemtracts. Organic chemistry

Holdings: 1:1 (year 1988); 2:2–6 (year 1989); 3:1–6 (year 1990); 4:1,3–6 (year 1991); 5–13 (year 1992–2000), gaps, (closed stack). ISSN 0895-4445.

Chilton's food engineering international

Holdings: 1–10 (year 1976–1985) (closed stack). ISSN 0148-4478.


Read: Chimia online from 2004 to present -
Holdings: 1–41 (year 1947–1987) (closed stack). ISSN 0009-4293.


Read: Chromatographia online from 1968 to present -
Holdings: 1–50 (year 1969–1999), 69–75 (year 2009–2011); supplement 69 (year 2009), 71 (year 2010), 73:1 (year 2011) (closed stack). ISSN 0009-5893.

Chromatographic reviews

Read: Chromatographic reviews online from 1959 to 1971 - ISSN


Holdings: 1–12 (year 1948–1967) (closed stack). ISSN 0095-9367.

Coal processing technology

Holdings: 1–7 (year 1974–1981) (closed stack). ISSN 0147-1708.

CODATA bulletin

Holdings: 52–69 (year 1984–1988) (closed stack). ISSN 0366-757X.

Collection of Czechoslovak chemical communications

1–15 (year 1929–1950) placed on title: Collection des travaux chimiques de Tchéchoslovaquie.
Holdings: 1–70 (year 1929–2005) (closed stack). ISSN 0010-0765.

Colloid and polymer science

Read: Colloid and polymer science online from 1906 to present -
Holdings: 252–266 (year 1974–1988) (closed stack). ISSN 0303-402X.

Colloids and surfaces

Continued as: Colloids and surfaces. A. Physicochemical and engineering aspects, and Colloids and surfaces. B. Biointerfaces.
Read: Colloids and surfaces online from 1980 to 1993 - ISSN 0166-6622.

Colloids and surfaces. A. Physicochemical and engineering aspects

Read: Colloids and surfaces. A. Physicochemical and engineering aspects online from 1993 to present - ISSN 0927-7757.

Colloids and surfaces. B. Biointerfaces

Read: Colloids and surfaces. B. Biointerfaces online from 1993 to present - ISSN 0927-7765.

Comments on modern chemistry. A, Comments on inorganic chemistry

Holdings: 3–20 (year 1983–1999) (closed stack). ISSN 0260-3594.

Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l´Académie des sciences. Série C

Holdings: 262–291 (year 1966–1980) (closed stack). ISSN 0567-6541.

Computational and theoretical chemistry

Formerly known as: Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM.
Read: Computational and Theoretical Chemistry online from 2011 to present - ISSN 2210-271X.

Computational and theoretical polymer science

Formerly known as: Computational polymer science.
Incorporated in: Polymer.
Read: Computational and theoretical polymer science online from 1997 to 2001 - ISSN 1089-3156.

Contemporary topics in polymer science

Holdings: 1–5 (year 1977–1984) (closed stack). ISSN 0160-6727.

Contributions to the scientific literature from the Central Research and Development Department, E. I. Du Pont de Nemours & Company

Holdings: 1961–1972 (closed stack). ISSN 1559-4033.

Coordination chemistry reviews

Read: Coordination chemistry reviews online from 1966 to present - ISSN 0010-8545.

CPE Chemical & process engineering (1964)

Continued as: Process engineering.
Formerly known as: CPE Chemical & process engineering & atomic world.
Holdings: 45–53 (year 1964–1972) (closed stack). ISSN 0952-2751.

CPE Chemical & process engineering & atomic world

Continued as: CPE Chemical & process engineering (1964).
Formerly known as: Chemical and process engineering.
Holdings: 42–44 (year 1961–1963) (closed stack). ISSN 0366-7774.

CRC Critical reviews in analytical chemistry

Continued as Critical reviews in analytical chemistry.
Holdings: 5–20 (year 1975–1989) (closed stack). ISSN 0007-8980.

Critical reviews in analytical chemistry

Formerly known as: CRC Critical reviews in analytical chemistry.
Read: Critical reviews in analytical chemistry online from 1997 to present -
Holdings: 21–33 (year 1989–2003) (closed stack). ISSN 1040-8347.

Critical reviews in food science and nutrition

Formerly known as: Critical reviews in food technology.
Read: Critical reviews in food science and nutrition online from 1997 to present - tandfonline.
Holdings: 6–43 (year1975– 2003) (closed stack). ISSN 0099-0248.

Critical reviews in food technology

Continued as: Critical reviews in food science and nutrition.
Holdings: 1–5 (year 1970–1974) (closed stack). ISSN 0007-9006.

Croatica chemica acta

Formerly known as: Arhiv za kemiju.
Read: Croatica chemica acta online from 1950 to present -
Holdings: 28–82:1 (year 1956–2009) (closed stack). ISSN 0011-1643.


Read: Cryobiology online from 1964 to present - ISSN 1090-2392.

Crystal structure communications

Holdings: 1–11 (year 1972–1982) (closed stack). ISSN 0302-1742.

CSIRO food preservation quarterly

Continued as: CSIRO food research quarterly.
Holdings: 29–30 (year 1969–1970) (closed stack). ISSN 0007-9138.

CSIRO food research quarterly

Formerly known as: CSIRO food preservation quarterly.
Holdings: 31–45 (year 1971–1985) (closed stack). ISSN 0366-5860.

Current chemical reactions CCR

Holdings: 1–2 (year 1979–1980) (closed stack). ISSN 0163-6278.


Dairy industries

Continued as: Dairy industries international.
Holdings: 16–23 (year 1951–1958), 27(1962)–40 (year 1975) (closed stack). ISSN 0011-5622.

Dairy industries international

Formerly known as: Dairy industries.
Read: Dairy industries international online from 1994 to present -
Holdings: 41–48 (year 1976–1983) (closed stack). ISSN 0308-8197.

Dairy science abstracts

Holdings: 1–61 (year 1939–1999) (closed stack). ISSN 0011-5681.

Dairy science & technology

Formerly known as: Lait.
Read: Dairy science & technology online from 2008 to 2017 - ISSN 1958-5594.


Formerly known as: Journal of the Chemical society. Dalton transactions.
Read: Dalton online from 2000 to 2000 -
Holdings: 2000–2009 (closed stack). ISSN 1470-479X.

Dansk kemi

Formerly known as: Kemisk maanedsblad og nordisk handelsblad for kemisk industri.
Read: Dansk kemi online from 2006 to present -
Holdings: 46–56:5 (year 1965–1975) (closed stack). ISSN 0011-6335.

Derwent journal of synthetic methods

Formerly known as: Journal of synthetic methods.
Holdings: 22–25 (year 1996–1999) (closed stack). ISSN 1367-1022.

Deutsche lebensmittel-rundschau

Holdings: 61–81 (year 1965–1985) (closed stack). ISSN 0012-0413.

Deutsche milchwirtschaft

Formerly known as: Molkerei- und Käserei-Zeitung.
Holdings: 20–34 (year 1969–1983), 37–50 (year 1986–1999) (closed stack). ISSN 0012-0480.

Deutsche molkerei-zeitung

Holdings: 85–104 (year 1964–1983) (closed stack). ISSN 0366-9424.

Discussions of the Faraday society

Continued as: Faraday discussions of the Chemical Society.
Read: Discussions of the Faraday society online from 1947 to 1971 -
Holdings: 1–52 (year 1947–1971) (closed stack). ISSN 0366-9033.

Doklady chemistry
Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR

Formerly known as: Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Chemistry section.
Read: Doklady Chemistry online from 2000 to present -
Holdings: 148–399 (year 1963–2004) (closed stack). ISSN 0012-5008.

Doklady physical chemistry
Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR. Fiziceskaja chimija

Read: Doklady Physical chemistry online from 2000 to present -
Holdings: 160–305:3 (year 1965–1989) (closed stack). ISSN 0012-5016.

Dokumentation rheologie
Documentation rheology

Formerly known as: Berichte / Deutsche rheologische Gesellschaft.
Holdings: 41–52:2–4 (year 1975–1986/87) (closed stack) [placerade efter Ö]. ISSN 0340-8388.

Drying technology

Read: Drying technology online from 1997 to present -
Holdings: 5–12 (year 1987–1994) (closed stack). ISSN 0737-3937.


Education in chemistry

Holdings: 7–30 (year 1970–1993) (closed stack). ISSN 0013-1350.


Read: Electroanalysis online from 1996 to present -
Holdings: 1–14 (year 1989–2002) (closed stack). ISSN 1040-0397.

Electrochimica acta

Read: Electrochimica acta online from 1959 to present - ISSN 0013-4686.


Formerly known as: Tidskrift för elementär matematik, fysik och kemi.
Holdings: 21–87 (year 1938–2004) (closed stack). ISSN 0013-5933.

Elementär matematik, fysik och kemi : tidskrift

Continued as: Elementa.
Holdings: 16–20 (year 1933–1937) (closed stack).

EMBO Journal

Read: EMBO Journal online from 1982 to present - ISSN 1460-2075.

(The) Enzymes

Read: The Enzyme online from 1970 to present -
Holdings: 1–20 (year 1970–1992) (closed stack). ISSN 1874-6047.


Holdings: 1963–1983 (closed stack). ISSN 0014-2484.

European biophysics journal

Read: European biophysics journal online from 1974 to present -
Holdings: 12–23 (year 1985–1995) (closed stack). ISSN 0175-7571.

European food research and technology

Formerly known as: Zeitschrift für Lebensmittel–Untersuchung und Forschung. A, Food research and technology
Read: European food research and technology online from 1997 to present -
Holdings: 209–215 (year 1999–2002) (closed stack). ISSN 1438-2377.

European journal of applied microbiology

Continued as: European journal of applied microbiology and biotechnolog.
Read: European journal of applied microbiology at Applied Microbiology and biotechnology online from 1975 to 1977 -
Holdings: 1–4 (year 1975–1977) (closed stack). ISSN 0340-2118.

European journal of applied microbiology and biotechnology

Continued as: Applied Microbiology and biotechnology.
Formerly known as: European journal of applied microbiology.
Read: European journal of applied microbiology at Applied Microbiology and biotechnology online from 1978 to 1983 -
Holdings: 5–18 (year 1978–1983) (closed stack). ISSN 0171-1741.

European journal of biochemistry

Continued as: Febs journal.
Read: European journal of biochemistry at Febs journal online from 1967 to 2004 -
Holdings: 1–271 (year 1967–2004) (closed stack). ISSN 0014-2956.

European journal of clinical nutrition

Formerly known as: Human nutrition. Applied nutrition and Human nutrition. Clinical nutrition.
Read: European journal of clinical nutrition online from 1997 to present -
Holdings: 42–60 (year 1988–2006) (closed stack). ISSN 0954-3007.

European journal of inorganic chemistry

Formerly known as: Bulletin de la Société chimique de France, Bulletin des sociétés chimiques belges, Chemische Berichte, Gazzetta chimica italiana and Liebigs Annalen.
Read: European journal of inorganic chemistry. online from 1998 to present -
Holdings: 1998–2002 (closed stack). ISSN 1434-1948.

European journal of lipid science and technology

Formerly known as: Fett/Lipid.
Read: European journal of lipid science and technology online from 2000 to present -
Holdings: 102–104 (year 2000–2002) (closed stack). ISSN 1438-7697.

European journal of organic chemistry

Formerly known as: Bulletin de la Société chimique de France, Bulletin des sociétés chimiques belges, Chemische Berichte, Gazzetta chimica italiana and Liebigs Annalen.
Read: European journal of organic chemistry online from 1998 to present -
Holdings: 1998–2002 (closed stack). ISSN 1434-193X.

European plastics news

Formerly known as: Europlastics monthly.
Holdings: 1–21 (year 1974–1993):2 (closed stack). ISSN 0306-3534.

European polymer journal

Read: European polymer journal online from 1965 to present - ISSN 0014-3057.

Europlastics monthly

Continued as European plastics news.
Holdings: 45:4–47:4 (year 1972–1974) (closed stack). ISSN 0367-1488.


Faraday discussions

Formerly known as: Faraday discussions of the Chemical society.
Read: Faraday discussions online from 1991 present -
Holdings: 91–109 (year 1991–1998) (closed stack). ISSN 1359-6640.

Faraday discussions of the Chemical society

Continued as: Faraday discussions.
Formerly known as: Discussions of the Faraday Society.
Read: Faraday discussions of the Chemical society online from 1972 to 1991 -
Holdings: 53–90 (year 1972–1990) (closed stack). ISSN 0301-7249.

Farm and food research

Holdings: 1–16:1–3 (year 1970–1985), gaps, (closed stack). ISSN 0046-3302.

Febs journal

Formerly known as: European journal of biochemistry.
Read: Febs journal online from 2005 to present -
Holdings: 272:1–24 (year 2005) (closed stack). ISSN 1742-464X.

FEBS letters

Read: FEBS letters online from 1968 to present - ISSN 0014-5793.

Fett : wissenschaft, technologie

Continued as: Fett/Lipid.
Formerly known as: Fette, Seifen, Anstrichmittel.
Holdings: 89–97 (year 1987–1995) (closed stack). ISSN 0931-5985.

Fett / lipid

Continued as: European journal of lipid science and technology.
Formerly known as: Fett : Wissenschaft, Technologie.
Holdings: 98–101 (year 1996–1999) (closed stack).

Fette, seifen, anstrichmittel

Continued as: Fett : Wissenschaft, Technologie.
Holdings:: 60–88 (year 1958–1986) (closed stack). ISSN 0015-038X.

Finnish chemical letters

Holdings: 13–16 (year 1986–1989) (closed stack). ISSN 0303-4100.


Holdings: 45–65 (year 1965–1985) (closed stack). ISSN 0015-363X.

Food Australia

Formerly known as: Food technology in Australia.
Holdings: 41–45 (year 1989–1993) (closed stack). ISSN 1032-5298.

Food chemistry

Read: Food chemistry. online from 1976 to present - ISSN 0308-8146.

Food engineering

Holdings: 37–47 (year 1965–1975), gaps, (closed stack). ISSN 0015-637X.

Food in Canada

Holdings: 32–42 (year 1972–1982) (closed stack). ISSN 0015-6442.

Food manufacture

Read: Food manufacture online from 1995 to present -
Holdings: 38–61:1/2 (year 1963–1986) (closed stack). ISSN 0015-6477.

Food manufacture and distributor

Continued as Australian food manufacture and distributor.
Holdings: 38–40 (year 1969–1971); 61:1–2 (year 1968) (closed stack). ISSN 0004-9131.

Food microstructure

Continued as: Food structure.
Holdings: 4–8 (year 1985–1989) (closed stack). ISSN 0730-5419.

Food processing and marketing

Continued as: Food processing industry.
Holdings: 33–38 (year 1965–1969) (closed stack). ISSN 0367-293X.

Food processing industry

Formerly known as: Food processing and marketing.
Holdings: 38–51 (year 1969–1982) (closed stack). ISSN 0015-6531.

Food product development

Holdings: 6–15 (year 1972–1981) (closed stack). ISSN 0015-654X.

Food research

Continued as: Journal of food science.
Read: Journal of food research online from 1936 to 1960 - ISSN: 0095-974X.

Food science abstracts

Holdings: 1–3 (year 1967–1969) (closed stack). ISSN 0532-0976.

Food science and technology

See: Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft und Technologie. ISSN 0460-1173.

Food service magazine

Continued as: Food service marketing.
Holdings: 31–34:4 (year 1969–1972) (closed stack). ISSN 0015-6604.

Food service marketing

Formerly known as: Food service magazin.
Holdings: 34:5–43 (year 1972–1981) (closed stack). ISSN 0092-5845.

Food structure (1990)

Formerly known as: Food microstructure
Holdings: 9–12 (year 1990–1993) (closed stack). ISSN 1046-705X.

Food structure (2014)

Read: Food structure online from 2014 to present - ISSN 2213-3291.

Food technology

Holdings: 19–20 (year 1965–1966), 23–59 (year 1969–2005) (closed stack). ISSN 0015-6639.

Food technology in Australia

Continued as Food Australia.
Holdings: 21–40:8 (year 1969–1988) (closed stack). ISSN 0015-6647.

Food trade review

Holdings: 39–47 (year 1969–1977) (closed stack). ISSN 0015-6671.

Forskning och framsteg

Holdings: 2008 to present (Library). ISSN 0015-7937.

Fortschritte der chemie organischer naturstoffe

Read: Fortschritte der Chemie organischer Naturstoffe online from 2007 to present -
Holdings: 1–78 (year 1938-1999) (closed stack). ISSN 0071-7886.

Fortschritte der chemischen forschung

Continued as: Topics in current chemistry.
Holdings:: 1–39 (year 1949-1973) (closed stack). ISSN 0071-7894.

Fortschritte der hochpolymeren–forschung

Same as: Advances in polymer science.
Read: Fortschritte der Hochpolymeren-Forschung online from 1958 to present -

Fortschritte der verfahrenstechnik

Continued as: Fortschritte der Verfahrenstechnik.Abt A-F.
Holdings: 1–9 (year 1954–1971) (closed stack). ISSN 0532-2731.

Fortschritte der verfahrenstechnik. Abt A-F

Formerly known as: Fortschritte der Verfahrenstechnik.
Holdings: 10–23 (year 1971–1985) (closed stack). ISSN A-F: 0340-5001, 0340-501X, 0340-5036, 0340-5052, 0340-404, 0340-4064.

Fouling prevention research digest

Holdings: 3–13 (year 1981–1991) (closed stack). ISSN 0143-3598.

Fresenius journal of analytical chemistry

Formerly known as: Fresenius' Zeitschrift für analytische Chemie.
Continued as: Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry.
Read: Fresenius journal of analytical chemistry online from 1990 to 2001 -
Holdings: 336–365 (year 1990–1999) (closed stack). ISSN

Fresenius' zeitschrift für analytische chemie

Continued as: Fresenius journal of analytical Chemistry.
Formerly known as: Zeitschrift für analytische Chemie.
Read: Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry online from 1947 to 1989 -
Holdings: 128–335 (year 1947–1989) (closed stack) [Uppställd på Zeitschrift...]. ISSN 0016-1152.

Fuel processing technology

Read: Fuel processing technology online from 1977 to present - ISSN 0378-3820.


Gas chromatography abstracts

Continued as: Gas and liquid chromatography abstracts.
Holdings: 1958–1972 (closed stack). ISSN 0016-4887.

Gas and liquid chromatography abstracts

Formerly known as: Gas chromatography abstracts.
Holdings: 1973–1977 (closed stack). ISSN 0301-388X.

Gazzetta chimica italiana

Continued as European journal of inorganic chemistry, and European journal of organic chemistry.
Holdings: 99–127 (year 1969–1997) (closed stack). ISSN 0016-5603.

German chemical engineering

Continued as Chemical engineering & technology.
Holdings: 5–9 (year 1982–1986) (closed stack). ISSN 0343-5539.

Getreide, mehl und brot (1972)

Holdings: 35–53 (year 1981–1999) (closed stack). ISSN 0367-4177.


Read: Glycobiology online from 1990 to present -
Holdings: 3–10:9 (year 1993–2000), gaps, (closed stack). ISSN 0959-6658.

Glycoconjugate journal

Read: Glycoconjugate journal online from 1984 to present -
Holdings: 8–18 (year 1991–2001), gaps, (closed stack). ISSN 0282-0080.

GV-Praxis : zeitschrift für moderne grossverpflegung

Holdings: 23–25 (year 1983–1985) (closed stack). ISSN 0342-376X.


Heat and mass transfer: wärme- und stoffübertragung

Formerly known as: Wärme- und Stoffübertragung.
Read: Heat and Mass Transfer: Wärme- und Stoffübertragung online from 1996 to present - ISSN 0947-7411.

Helvetica chimica acta

Read: Helvetica chimica acta online from 1996 to present -
Holdings: 1–85 (year 1918–2002) (Library, Periodica). ISSN 0018-019X.


Holdings: 1–51 (year 1973–1999) (closed stack). ISSN 0385-5414.

Heterocyclic communications

Read: Heterocyclic communications online from 1994 to present -
Holdings: 1–3 (year 1994–1997), gaps, (closed stack). ISSN 0793-0283.

High polymers

Holdings: 1–28 (year 1940–1973) (closed stack). ISSN 0073-2109.

HRC and CC

Continued as: HRC. Journal of high resolution chromatography.
Holdings: 1–11 (year 1978–1988) (closed stack). ISSN 0344-7138.

HRC. Journal of high resolution chromatography

Formerly known as: HRC and CC.
Read: HRC in Journal of Separation Science online from 1998 to 2000 -
Holdings: 12–22 (year 1989–1999) (closed stack). ISSN 0935-6304.

HTFS Digest

Holdings: 25–26 (year 1992–1993) (closed stack). ISSN 0952-2654.

Human nutrition. Applied nutrition

Continued as: European journal of clinical nutrition.
Holdings: 40–41 (year 1986–1987) (closed stack). ISSN 0263-8495.

Human nutrition. Clinical nutrition

Continued as: European journal of clinical nutrition.
Holdings: 40–41 (year 1986–1987) (closed stack). ISSN 0263-8290.

Hydrocarbon processing

Read: Hydrocarbon processing online from 1995 to present -
Holdings: 47:9–71:1–7 (year 1968–1992) (closed stack). ISSN 0018-8190.


ICIS chemical business

Holdings: 2014–2017, gaps, (Library). ISSN 1937-5786.

Indian journal of chemistry (1963)

Continued as: Indian journal of chemistry. Section A & Section .
Holdings: 1–12 (year 1963–1974) (closed stack). ISSN 0019-5103.

Indian journal of chemistry (2022)

Read: Indian journal of chemistry online from 2022 to 2021 - ISSN 2583-1321.

Indian journal of chemistry. Section A

Continued as: Indian journal of chemistry (2022).
Formerly known as: Indian journal of chemistry (1963).
Read: Indian journal of chemistry. Section A online from 2016 to 2021 -
Holdings: 16–38 (year 1978–1999) (closed stack). ISSN 0376-4710.

Indian journal of chemistry. Section B

Continued as: Indian journal of chemistry (2022).
Formerly known as: Indian journal of chemistry (1963).
Read: Indian journal of chemistry. Section B online from 2020 to 2021 -
Holdings: 16–38 (year1978–1999) (closed stack). ISSN 0376-4699.

Indian journal of dairy science

Holdings: 18–25 (year 1965–1972), 28–30 (year 1975–1977) (closed stack). ISSN 0019-5146.

Industrial and engineering chemistry

Continued as: Chemtech.
Formerly known as: Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry.
Read: Industrial and engineering chemistry online from 1923 to 1970 -
Holdings: 31–62 (year 1939–1970) (closed stack). ISSN 0019-7866.

Industrial and engineering chemistry. Analytical edition

Continued as: Analytical chemistry.
Read: Industrial and engineering chemistry. Analytical edition at Analytical chemistry online from 1929 to 1946 -
Holdings: 11–18 (year 1939–1946) (closed stack). ISSN 0096-4484.

Industrial and engineering chemistry. Fundamentals

Continued as: Industrial and engineering chemistry research.
Read: Industrial and engineering chemistry. Fundamentals online from 1962 to 1986 -
Holdings: 1–25 (year 1962–1986). ISSN 0019-7874.

Industrial and engineering chemistry. Process design and development

Continued as: Industrial and engineering chemistry research.
Read: Industrial and engineering chemistry. Process design and development online from 1962 to 1986 -
Holdings: 1–25 (year 1962-1986) (closed stack). ISSN 0019-7882.

Industrial and engineering chemistry. Product research and development

Continued as: Industrial and engineering chemistry research.
Read: Industrial and engineering chemistry. Product research and development online from 1962 to 1986 -
Holdings: 1–25 (year 1962-1986) (closed stack). ISSN 0019-7890.

Industrial and engineering chemistry research

Formerly known as: Industrial and engineering chemistry. Fundamentals.
Read: Industrial and engineering chemistry research online from 1987 to present -
Holdings: 26–43 (year 1987–2004) (closed stack). ISSN 0888-5885.

Industrie laitière

Continued as Revue laitière Francaise.
Holdings: 28–148 (year 1949–1959); 1965:217–227 (closed stack). ISSN 0367-9357.

Industries alimentaires et agricoles

Holdings: 82–102 (year 1965–1985), gaps, (closed stack). ISSN 0019-9311.

Inform = International news on fats, oils and related materials

Holdings: 1–11 (year 1990–2000) (closed stack). ISSN 0897-8026.

Inorganic and nuclear chemistry letters

Continued as: Polyhedron.
Read: Inorganic and nuclear chemistry letters online from 1965 to 1981 - ISSN 0020-1650.

Inorganic chemistry

Read: Inorganic chemistry online from 1962 to present -
Holdings: 1–45 (year 1962–2006) (closed stack). ISSN 0020-1669.

Inorganic and nano-metal chemistry

Formerly known as: Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal-Organic, and Nano-Metal Chemistry.
Read: Inorganic and Nano-Metal Chemistry online from 2016 to present - ISSN 2470-1564.

Inorganic chemistry communications

Replace: 'Communication section' i Inorganica chimica acta, Polyhedron, and Journal of organometallic chemistry.
Read: Inorganic chemistry communications. online from 1998 to present -
Holdings: 1 (year 1998) (closed stack). ISSN 1387-7003.

Inorganic reaction mechanisms

Holdings: 5:1–6 (year 2003–2008):4 (closed stack). ISSN 0305-8255.

Inorganic syntheses

Holdings: 1–34 (year 1939–2004) (Library Reference: Handbok Oorganisk kemi). ISSN 0073-8077.

Inorganica chimica acta

Read: Inorganica chimica acta online from 1967 to present - ISSN 0020-1693.

Inorganica chimica acta. Reviews

Read: Inorganica chimica acta. Reviews. online from 1967 to 1973 - ISSN 0073-8085.

International chemical engineering

Holdings: 6–33 (year 1966–1993) (closed stack). ISSN 0020-6318.

International dairy federation. Annual bulletin

Continued as: International dairy federation. Bulletin.
Holdings: 1960–1977 (closed stack). ISSN 0074-4484.

International dairy federation. Bulletin
Bulletin / Fédération internationale de laiterie

Continued as: Bulletin of the International Dairy Federation.
Holdings: 1978–1985 (closed stack). ISSN 0250-5118.

International dairy federation. News

Holdings: 1973–1984 (closed stack). ISSN 0256-6443.

International dairy journal

Formerly known as: Netherlands milk and dairy journal.
Read: International dairy journal online from 1991 to present - ISSN 0958-6946.

International journal of biochemistry & cell biology

Read: International journal of biochemistry & cell biology online from 1995 to present - ISSN 1357-2725.

International journal of biological macromolecules

Read: International journal of biological macromolecules online from 1979 to present - ISSN 0141-8130.

International journal of chemical kinetics

Read: International journal of chemical kinetics online from 1996 to present -
Holdings: 1–34 (year 1969–2002) (closed stack). ISSN 0538-8066.

International journal of dairy technology

Formerly known as: Journal of the Society of dairy technology.
Read: International journal of dairy technology online from 1997 to present - ISSN 1471-0307.

International journal of environmental analytical chemistry

Read: International journal of environmental analytical chemistry online from 1997 to present -
Holdings: 87–93:6/10 (year 2007–2013) (closed stack). ISSN 0306-7319.

International journal of food science & technology

Formerly known as: Journal of food technology.
Read: International journal of food science & technology. online from 1987 to present -
Holdings: 22–38 (year 1987–2003) (closed stack). ISSN 0950-5423.

International journal of food sciences and nutrition

Read: International journal of food sciences and nutrition online from 1997 to present -
Read: International journal of food sciences and nutrition online from 1996 to present (embargo 18 months) -
Holdings:: 43 (year 1992), 44:2–47:1,5,6 (year 1993–1996) (closed stack). ISSN 0963-7486.

International journal of heat and mass transfer

Read: International journal of heat and mass transfer online from 1960 to present - ISSN 0017-9310.

International journal of peptide and protein research

Continued as: Journal of peptide research.
Formerly known as: International journal of protein research.
Read online under current title: Chemical biology & drug design online from 1972 to 1996 -
Holdings: 4:2–48 (year 1972–1996) (closed stack). ISSN 0300-9769.

International journal of physical chemistry

Continued as: Berichte der Bunsen-Gesellschaft.
Formerly known as: Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft für physikalische Chemie.
Holdings: 95–98 (year 1991–1994) (closed stack). ISSN 0940-483X.

International journal of protein research

Continued as: International journal of peptide and protein research.
Read: online under current title Chemical biology & drug design online from 1969 to 1972 - ISSN 0020-7551 (print).

International journal of quantum chemistry. Quantum biology symposia

Formerly known as: (partly) International journal of quantum chemistry. Symposium
Holdings: 4–21 (year 1977–1994) (closed stack) [placerade efter Ö]. ISSN 0360-8832.

International journal of quantum chemistry. Quantum chemistry symposia

Formerly known as: (partly) International journal of quantum chemistry. Symposium
Holdings: 11–29 (year 1977–1995) (closed stack) [placerade efter Ö]. ISSN 0161-3642.

International journal of quantum chemistry. Symposium

Continued as: International journal of quantum chemistry. Quantum biology symposia resp. Quantum chemistry symposia.
Holdings: 1–10 (year 1967–1976) (closed stack) [placerade efter Ö]. ISSN 0538-821X.

International journal of refrigeration

Read: International journal of refrigeration online from 1978 to present - ISSN 0140-7007.

International journal of sulfur chemistry

Continued as: Phosphorus and sulfur and the related elements.
Formerly known as: International journal of sulfur chemistry: Part A, B, and C.
Holdings: 8 (year 1973/76) (closed stack). ISSN 0047-077.

International journal of sulfur chemistry. Part A

Continued as: International journal of sulfur chemistry.
Holdings: 1–2 (year 1971–1972) (closed stack). ISSN 0094-9337.

International journal of sulfur chemistry. Part B

Continued as: International journal of sulfur chemistry.
Formerly known as: Quarterly reports on sulfur chemistry.
Holdings: 6–7 (year 1971–1972) (closed stack). ISSN 0094-9345.

International journal of sulfur chemistry. Part C

Formerly known as: Mechanisms of Reactions of Sulfur Compounds.
Holdings: 6–7 (year 1971–1972) (closed stack). ISSN 0094-9353.

Ion-selective electrode reviews

Continued as: Selective electrode reviews.
Read: Ion-selective electrode reviews online from 1980 to 1985 -
Holdings: 1–9 (year 1979–1987) (closed stack). ISSN 0191-5371.

Irradiation des aliments. English edition Food irradiation

Continued as: Food irradiation information.
Holdings: 1–11 (year 1960–1971), gaps, (closed stack). ISSN 0375-913X.

Israel journal of chemistry

Formerly known as: Bulletin of the Research council of Israel. Section A, Chemistry.
Read: Israel journal of chemistry online from 2000 to present -
Holdings: 1–36 (year 1963–1996) (closed stack). ISSN 0021-2148.

Italian journal of food science

Read: Italian journal of food science online from 2001 to present -
Holdings: 4–8 (year 1992–1996) (closed stack). ISSN 1120-1770.

IUBMB life

Formerly known as: Biochemistry and molecular biology international.
Read: IUBMB online from 1999 to present -
Holdings: 48–58 (year 1999–2006) (closed stack). ISSN 1521-6543.



See: Journal of the American chemical society.

Jahresbericht / bundesanstalt für milchforschung in Kiel = Annual report

Holdings: 1976–1979, 1981, 1986–2003 (closed stack). ISSN 0300-1431.

Japanese journal of dairy and food science. Rakunō kagaku, shokuhin no kenkyū

Holdings: 25–29 (year 1976–1980) (closed stack). ISSN 0385-0218.

Japanese journal of dairy science. Rakuno Kagaku No Kenkyu

Holdings: 15–24 (year 1966–1975) (closed stack). ISSN 0370-5919.

Journal für praktische chemie

Continued as: Journal für praktische Chemie, Chemiker-Zeitung.
Holdings: N.F. 1–333 (year 1870–1991) (closed stack). ISSN 0021-8383.

Journal für praktische chemie, chemiker-zeitung

Continued as: Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis.
Formerly known as: Journal für praktische Chemie and Chemikerzeitung.
Read: Journal für praktische Chemie, Chemiker-Zeitung at Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis online from 1996 to 1998 -
Holdings: 334–335 (year 1992–1993) (closed stack). ISSN 0941-1216.

Journal of agricultural and food chemistry

Read: Journal of agricultural and food chemistry online from 1953 to present -
Holdings: 17–53 (year 1969–2005) (closed stack). ISSN 0021-8561.

Journal of analytical and applied pyrolysis

Read: Journal of analytical and applied pyrolysis online from 1979 to present - ISSN 0165-2370.

Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry

Read: Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry online from 1986 to present -
Holdings: 2–8 (year 1987–1993) (closed stack). ISSN 0267-9477.

Journal of analytical chemistry

Formerly known as: Journal of analytical chemistry of the USSR.
Read: Journal of analytical chemistry online from 2000 to present -
Holdings: 46:11:2–54 (year 1991–1999) (closed stack). ISSN 1061-9348.

Journal of analytical chemistry of the USSR
Zurnal analiticeskoj chimii

Continued as: Journal of analytical chemistry.
Holdings: 11–46 (year 1956–1991):11:1 (closed stack). ISSN 0021-8766.

Journal of AOAC international

Formerly known as: Journal of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists.
Read: Journal of AOAC international online from 2003 to present (12 months delay) -
Holdings: 75–82 (year 1992–1999) (closed stack). ISSN 1060-3271.

Journal of applied biochemistry

Continued as: Biotechnology and applied biochemistry.
Holdings: 1:1,5–6 (year 1979), 2–7 (year 1980–1985) (closed stack). ISSN 0161-7354.

Journal of applied chemistry

Continued as: Journal of applied chemistry and biotechnology.
Holdings: 1–20 (year 1951–1970) (closed stack). ISSN 0021-8871.

Journal of applied chemistry and biotechnology

Continued as: Journal of chemical technology and biotechnology.
Formerly known as: Journal of applied chemistry.
Holdings: 21–28 (year 1971–1978) (closed stack). ISSN 0375-9210.

Journal of applied crystallography

Read: Journal of applied crystallography online from 1968 to present -
Holdings: 1–26 (year 1968–1993) (closed stack). ISSN 0021-8898.

Journal of applied electrochemistry

Read: Journal of applied electrochemistry online from 1971 to present -
Holdings: 1–29 (year 1971–1999) (closed stack). ISSN 0021-891X.

Journal of applied polymer science

Read: Journal of applied polymer science online from 1996 to present -
Holdings: 10–74 (year 1966–1999) (closed stack). ISSN 0021-8995.

Journal of biochemical and biophysical methods

Read: Journal of biochemical and biophysical methods online from 1979 to 2008 - ISSN 0165-022X.

Journal of biochemistry

Read: Journal of biochemistry online from 1922 to present -
Holdings: 38–154 (year 1951– 2013) (closed stack). ISSN 0021-924X.

Journal of biological chemistry

Read: Journal of biological chemistry online from 1905 to present -
Holdings: 1–284 (year 1905–2009) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Journal of biological chemistry. ISSN 0021-9258.

Journal of biomolecular structure and dynamics

Read: Journal of biomolecular structure and dynamics online from 1997 to present -
Holdings: 1–7 (year 1983–1989/90) (closed stack). ISSN 0739-1102.

Journal of carbohydrate chemistry

Read: Journal of carbohydrate chemistry online from 1997 to present -
Holdings: 3–18 (year 1984–1999) (closed stack). ISSN 0732-8303.

Journal of catalysis

Read: Journal of catalysis online from 1962 to present - ISSN 0021-9517.

Journal of cellular biochemistry

Read: Journal of cellular biochemistry online from 1996 to present -
Holdings: 18–82 (year 1982–2002) (closed stack). ISSN 0730-2312.

Journal of cereal science

Read: Journal of cereal science online from 1983 to present -
Holdings: 1–44 (year 1983–2006) (closed stack). ISSN 0733-5210.

Journal of chemical and engineering data

Read: Journal of chemical and engineering data online from 1956 to present -
Holdings: 9–48 (year 1964–2003) (closed stack). ISSN 0021-9568.

Journal of chemical documentation

Continued as: Journal of chemical information and computer sciences.
Read: Journal of chemical documentation online from 1961 to 1974 - ISSN 0021-9576.

Journal of chemical education

Read: Journal of chemical education online from 1924 to present -
Holdings: 4–94 (year 1927–2017) Missing: 92 (year 2015) (closed stack). ISSN 0021-9584.

Journal of chemical engineering of Japan

Read: Journal of chemical engineering of Japan online from 2023 to present -
Read: Journal of chemical engineering of Japan online from 1968 to 2022 - ISSN 0021-9592.

Journal of chemical information and computer sciences

Continued as: Journal of chemical information and modeling.
Read: Journal of chemical information and computer sciences online from 1975 to 2004 -
Holdings: 15–43 (year 1975–2003) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Journal of chemical information and computer sciences. ISSN 0095-2338.

Journal of chemical information and modeling

Formerly known as: Journal of chemical information and computer sciences.
Read: Journal of chemical information and modeling online from 2005 to present - ISSN 1549-960X.

Journal of chemical physics

Read: Journal of chemical physics online from 1933 to present -
Holdings: 1–119 (year 1933–2003) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Journal of chemical physics. ISSN 0021-9606.

Journal of chemical research. Miniprint

Read: Journal of chemical research. Miniprint online from 1999 to present -
Holdings: year 1977–1999. Log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Journal of chemical research. Miniprint. ISSN 0308-2350.

Journal of chemical research. Synopses

Read: Journal of chemical research. Synopses online from 1997 to 1999 -
Holdings: year 1977–2000. Log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Journal of chemical research. Synopses. ISSN 0308-2342.

Journal of chemical technology and biotechnology (1979)

Continued as: Journal of chemical technology and biotechnology (1986). P.A. Chemical technology and P.B. Biotechnology.
Formerly known as: Journal of applied chemistry and biotechnology.
Holdings: 29–32 (year 1979–1982) (closed stack). ISSN 0142-0356.

Journal of chemical technology and biotechnology (1986)

Formerly known as: Journal of chemical technology and biotechnology. P.A. Chemical technology and P.B. Biotechnology.
Read: Journal of chemical technology and biotechnology online from 1996 to present -
Holdings: 36–48 (year 1986–1990) (closed stack). ISSN 0268-2575.

Journal of chemical technology and biotechnology. P.A. Chemical technology

Continued as: Journal of chemical technology and biotechnology (1986).
Holdings: 33–35 (year 1983–1985) (closed stack). ISSN 0264-3413.

Journal of chemical technology and biotechnology. P.B. Biotechnology

Continued as: Journal of chemical technology and biotechnology (1986).
Holdings: 33–35 (year 1983–1985) (closed stack). ISSN 0264-3421.

Journal of chemical thermodynamics

Read: Journal of chemical thermodynamics online from 1969 to present - ISSN 0021-9614.

Journal of chromatographic science

Formerly known as: Journal of gas chromatography.
Read: Journal of chromatographic science online from 1969 to present -
Holdings: 7–37 (year 1969–1999) (closed stack). ISSN 0021-9665.

Journal of chromatography

Continued as: Journal of chromatography. A, and B.
Read: Journal of chromatography online from 1958 to 1993 - ISSN 0021-9673.

Journal of chromatography. A

Formerly known as: Journal of chromatography.
Read: Journal of chromatography. A. online from 1958 to present - ISSN 0021-9673.

Journal of chromatography. B

Formerly known as: Journal of chromatography.
Read: Journal of chromatography. B online from 1997 to 2001 - ISSN 0378-4347.

Journal of colloid and interface science

Formerly known as: Journal of colloid science.
Read: Journal of colloid and interface science online from 1966 to present - ISSN 0021-9797.

Journal of colloid science

Continued as: Journal of colloid and interface science.
Read: Journal of colloid science online from 1946 to 1965 - ISSN 0095-8522.

Journal of computational chemistry

Read: Journal of computational chemistry online from 1996 to present -
Holdings: 5–23 (year1984– 2002) (closed stack). ISSN 0192-8651.

Journal of computer-aided molecular design

Read: Journal of computer-aided molecular design online from 1987 to present -
Holdings: 1–16 (year 1987–2002) (closed stack). ISSN 0920-654X.

Journal of coordination chemistry

Read: Journal of coordination chemistry online from 1997 to present -
Holdings: 1–45 (year 1971–1998) (closed stack). ISSN 0095-8972.

Journal of dairy research

Read: Journal of dairy research online from 1997 to present -
Holdings: 39–70 (year 1972–2003) (closed stack). ISSN 0022-0299.

Journal of dairy science

Read: Journal of dairy science online from 1917 to present -
Holdings: 32–82 (year 1949–1999) (closed stack) [32–55 (1949–1972) placerade efter Ö]. ISSN 0022-0302.

Journal of dispersion science and technology

Read: Journal of dispersion science and technology online from 1997 to present -
Holdings: 1–28 (year 1980–2007), gaps, (closed stack). ISSN 0193-2691

Journal of electroanalytical chemistry (1959)

Continued as: Journal of electroanalytical chemistry and interfacial electrochemistry.
Read: Journal of electroanalytical chemistry online from 1959 to 1971 - ISSN 0368-1874.

Journal of electroanalytical chemistry (1992)

Formerly known as: Journal of electroanalytical chemistry and interfacial electrochemistry.
Read: Journal of electroanalytical chemistry online from 1992 to present - ISSN 1572-6657.

Journal of electroanalytical chemistry and interfacial electrochemistry

Formerly known as: Journal of electroanalytical chemistry.
Continued as and bound with: Journal of electroanalytical chemistry (1992).
Read: Journal of electroanalytical chemistry and interfacial electrochemistry online from 1972 to 1991 - ISSN 0022-0728.

Journal of fluorine chemistry

Read: Journal of fluorine chemistry online from 1971 to present - ISSN 0022-1139.

Journal of food biochemistry

Read: Journal of food biochemistry online from1977 to present -
Holdings: 1–7 (year 1977–1983) (closed stack). ISSN 0145-8884.

Journal of food composition and analysis

Read: Journal of food composition and analysis online from 1987 to present - ISSN 0889-1575.

Journal of food engineering

Read: Journal of food engineering online from 1982 to present - ISSN 0260-8774.

Journal of food process engineering

Read: Journal of food process engineering online from 1977 to present -
Holdings: 1–28 (year 1977–2005) (closed stack). ISSN 0145-8876

Journal of food protection

Formerly known as: Journal of milk and food technology.
Read: Journal of food protection online from 1977 to present -
Holdings: 40–81:6 (year 1977–2018), gap: 65:3, (closed stack) [48–81 (1985–2018) placerade efter Ö]. ISSN 0362-028X.

Journal of food science

Formerly known as: Food research.
Read: Journal of food science online from 1961 to present -
Holdings: 26–73 (year 1962–2008) (closed stack). ISSN 0022-1147.

Journal of food science and technology 

Read: Journal of food science and technology online from 2010 to present -
Holdings: 6–42 (year 1969–2005) (closed stack). ISSN 0022-1155.

Journal of food service (systems)

Read: at Journal of Food Service online from 1980 to 2009
3–8:1 (year 1984–1994), gaps, ISSN 0196-4283.

Journal of food technology

Continued as International journal of food science and technology.
Read: Journal of food technology online from 1966 to 1986 -
Holdings:: 1–21 (year 1966–1986) (closed stack). ISSN 0022-1163.

Journal of gas chromatography

Continued as: Journal of chromatographic science.
Holdings: 1–6 (year 1963–1968) (closed stack). ISSN 0096-2686.

Journal of general chemistry of the USSR
Zurnal obscej chimii

Continued as: Russian journal of general chemistry.
Holdings: 27–62 (year 1957–1992/1993) (closed stack). ISSN 0022-1279.

Journal of heterocyclic chemistry

Read: Journal of heterocyclic chemistry online from 1997 to present -
Holdings: 8–42 (year 1971–2005) (closed stack). ISSN 0022-152X.

Journal of inorganic and nuclear chemistry

Continued as: Polyhedron.
Read: Journal of inorganic and nuclear chemistry online from 1955 to 1981 - ISSN 0022-1902.

Journal of liquid chromatography

Continued as: Journal of liquid chromatography and related technologies.
Holdings: 1–18 (year 1978–1995) (closed stack). ISSN 0148-3919.

Journal of liquid chromatography and related technologies

Formerly known as: Journal of liquid chromatography.
Read: Journal of liquid chromatography and related technologies online from 1997 to present -
Holdings: 19–25 (year 1996–2002), 28 (year 2005) (closed stack). ISSN 1082-6076.

Journal of macromolecular science. A. Chemistry

Continued as: Journal of macromolecular science. A. Pure and applied chemistry.
Holdings: 9–28 (year 1975–1991) (closed stack). ISSN 0022-233X.

Journal of macromolecular science. A. Pure and applied chemistry

Formerly known as: Journal of macromolecular science. A. Chemistry.
Read: Journal of macromolecular science. A. Pure and applied chemistry online from 1997 to present -
Holdings: 29–39 (year 1992–2002), 42 (year 2005) (closed stack). ISSN 1060-1325.

Journal of macromolecular science. B. Physics

Read: Journal of macromolecular science. B. Physics online from 1997 to present -
Holdings: 11–41 (year 1975–2002) (closed stack). ISSN 0022-2348.

Journal of macromolecular science. C. Reviews in macromolecular chemistry

Continued as: Journal of macromolecular science. C. Reviews in macromolecular chemistry and physics.
Holdings: 13–21 (year 1975–1982) (closed stack). ISSN 0022-2356.

Journal of macromolecular science. C. Reviews in macromolecular chemistry and physics

Continued as: Journal of macromolecular science. C. Polymer reviews.
Formerly known as: Journal of macromolecular science. C. Reviews in macromolecular chemistry.
Read: Journal of macromolecular science. C. Polymer reviews online from 1983 to 2000 -
Holdings: 22–40 (year 1983–2000) (closed stack). ISSN 0736-6574.

Journal of macromolecular science. C. Polymer reviews

Continued as: Polymer Reviews.
Formerly known as: Journal of macromolecular science. C. Reviews in macromolecular chemistry and physics.
Read: Journal of macromolecular science. C. Polymer reviews online from 2000 to 2005 -
Holdings: 41–45 (year 2001–2005), gap: 42–43, (closed stack). ISSN 1532-1797.

Journal of materials chemistry

Continued as: Journal of Materials Chemistry A, B and C.
Read: Journal of materials chemistry online from 1991 to 2012 -
Holdings: 6–16 (year 1996–2006) (closed stack). ISSN 0959-9428.

Journal of materials chemistry A

Formerly known as: Journal of Materials Chemistry.
Read: Journal of materials chemistry A online from 2013 to present - ISSN 2050-7496.

Journal of materials chemistry B

Formerly known as: Journal of Materials Chemistry.
Read: Journal of materials chemistry B online from 2013 to present - ISSN 2050-7518.

Journal of materials chemistry C

Formerly known as: Journal of Materials Chemistry.
Read: Journal of materials chemistry C online from 2013 to present - ISSN 2050-7518.

Journal of materials research

Read: Journal of materials research online from 1986 to present -
Holdings: 1–12 (year 1986–1993) (closed stack). ISSN 0884-2914.

Journal of medicinal chemistry

Read: Journal of medicinal chemistry online from 1963 to present -
Holdings: 6-44 (year 1963–2001) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Journal of medicinal chemistry. ISSN 0022-2623.

Journal of microbiological methods

Read: Journal of microbiological methods online from 1983 to present -
Holdings: 1–10 (year 1983–1989) (closed stack). ISSN 0167-7012.

Journal of microcolumn separations

Read: Journal of microcolumn separations online from 1996 to present -
Holdings: 1–11 (year 1989–1999) (closed stack). ISSN 1040-7685.

Journal of micronutrient analysis

Holdings: 1–8 (year 1985–1990) (closed stack). ISSN 0266-349X.

Journal of milk and food technology

Continued as: Journal of food protection.
Formerly known as: Journal of milk technology
Read: Journal of food protection online from 1947 to 1976 -
Holdings: 24 (year 1961), 28–32 (year 1965–1969) (closed stack). ISSN 0022-2747.

Journal of milk technology

Continued as: Journal of milk and food technology.
Read: Journal of food protection online from 1937 to 1946 - ISSN 0095-9766.

Journal of molecular biology

Read: Journal of molecular biology online from 1959 to present - ISSN 0022-2836.

Journal of molecular catalysis

Continued as: Journal of molecular catalysis. A, and B.
Read: Journal of molecular catalysis online from 1975 to 1994 - ISSN 0304-5102.

Journal of molecular catalysis. A. Chemical

Continued as: Molecular Catalysis.
Formerly known as: Journal of molecular catalysis.
Read: Journal of molecular catalysis. A. Chemical online from 1995 to 2017 - ISSN 1381-1169.

Journal of molecular catalysis. B. Enzymatic

Formerly known as: Journal of molecular catalysis.
Read: Journal of molecular catalysis. B. Enzymatic online from 1995 to 2016 - ISSN 1381-1177.

Journal of molecular liquids

Formerly known as: Advances in molecular relaxation and interaction processes.
Read: Journal of molecular liquids online from 1983 to present - ISSN 0167-7322.

Journal of molecular spectroscopy

Read: Journal of molecular spectroscopy online from 1957 to present - ISSN 0022-2852.

Journal of molecular Structure

Read: Journal of Molecular Structure online from 1967 to present - ISSN 0022-2860.

Journal of molecular Structure: THEOCHEM

Continued as: Computational and Theoretical Chemistry.
Read: Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM online from 1981 to 2010 - ISSN 0166-1280.

Journal of natural products

Read: Journal of natural products online from 1979 to present -
Holdings: 43–66 (year 1980–2003) (closed stack). ISSN 0163-3864.

Journal of non–equilibrium thermodynamics

Read: Journal of non-equilibrium thermodynamics online from 1976 to present -
Holdings: 7–18 (year 1982–1993) (closed stack). ISSN 0340-0204.

Journal of nutrition

Read: Journal of nutrition online from 1996 to present -
Holdings: 132–135 (year 2002–2005) (closed stack). ISSN 0022-3166.

Journal of organic chemistry

Read: Journal of organic chemistry online from 1936 to present -
Holdings: 1–73 (year 1936–2008), gaps, (closed stack). ISSN 0022-3263.

Journal of organic chemistry of the USSR
Zurnal arganiceskoj chimii

Continued as: Russian journal of organic chemistry.
Holdings: 1–28 (year 1965–1992) (closed stack). ISSN 0022-3271.

Journal of organometallic chemistry

Read: Journal of organometallic chemistry online from 1963 to present - ISSN 0022-328X.

Journal of peptide research

Continued as: Chemical biology & drug design.
Formerly known as: International journal of peptide and protein research.
Read: Journal of peptide research online from 1997 to 2005 -
Holdings: 49–54 (year 1997–1999) (closed stack). ISSN 1397-002X.

Journal of pharmaceutical sciences

Formerly known as: Journal of the American pharmaceutical association (scientific ed.).
Read: Journal of pharmaceutical sciences online from 2018 to present - ISSN 0022-3549.

Journal of photochemistry

Continued as: Journal of photochemistry and photobiology. A and B.
Read: Journal of photochemistry online from 1972 to 1987 - ISSN 0047-2670.

Journal of photochemistry and photobiology. A. Chemistry

Formerly known as: Journal of photochemistry.
Read: Journal of photochemistry and photobiology. A. Chemistry online from 1987 to present - ISSN 1010-6030.

Journal of physical and chemical reference data

Read: Journal of physical and chemical reference data online from 1972 to present -
Holdings: 1–2 (year 1972–1973) (closed stack). ISSN 0047-2689.

Journal of physical and colloid chemistry

Continued as: Journal of physical chemistry (1952).
Formerly known as: Journal of physical chemistry (1896)
Read: Journal of physical and colloid chemistry online from 1947 to 1951 -
Holdings: 51–55 (year 1947–1951) (closed stack). ISSN 0092-7023.

Journal of physical chemistry (1896)

Continued as: Journal of physical and colloid chemistry.
Read: Journal of physical chemistry online from 1896 to 1946 -
Holdings: 1–50 (year 1896–1946) (closed stack). ISSN 0092-7325

Journal of physical chemistry (1952)

Continued as: Journal of physical chemistry. A, and B.
Formerly known as: Journal of Physical and colloid chemistry
Read: Journal of physical chemistry online from1952 to 1996 -
Holdings: 56–100 (year 1952–1996) (closed stack). ISSN 0022-3654.

Journal of physical chemistry. A, Molecules, spectroscopy, kinetics, environment, & general theory

Formerly known as: Journal of physical chemistry.
Read: Journal of physical chemistry.A online from 1997 to present -
Holdings: 101–110 (year 1997–2006) (closed stack). ISSN 1089-5639.

Journal of physical chemistry. B, Materials, surfaces, interfaces, & biophysical

Continued as: Journal of physical chemistry. B, Condensed matter, materials, surfaces, interfaces, & biophysical.
Formerly known as: Journal of physical chemistry.
Read: Journal of physical chemistry.B online from 1997 to 1997 -
Holdings: 101:1–15 (year 1997) (closed stack). ISSN 1089-5647.

Journal of physical chemistry. B, Condensed matter, materials, surfaces, interfaces, & biophysical

Formerly known as: Journal of physical chemistry. B, Materials, surfaces, interfaces, & biophysical.
Read: Journal of physical chemistry. B online from 1998 to present -
Holdings: 101:16–110 (year 1997–2006) (closed stack). ISSN 1520-6106.

Journal of polymer engineering 

Formerly known as: Polymer engineering reviews.
Read: Journal of polymer engineering online from 1995 to present -
Holdings: 5–15 (year 1985–1996) (closed stack). ISSN 0334-6447.

Journal of polymer science

Continued as: Biopolymers and Journal of polymer science. Part A, B and C.
Holdings: 1–62 (year 1946–1962) (closed stack). ISSN 0022-3832.

Journal of polymer science. A. General papers

Continued as: Journal of polymer science. A1 and A2.
Formerly known as: Journal of polymer science.
Holdings: 1–3 (year 1963–1965) (closed stack). ISSN 0449-2951.

Journal of polymer science. A. Polymer chemistry

Formerly known as: Journal of polymer science. Polymer chemistry edition and Journal of polymer science. C.
Read: Polymer chemistry online from 1996 to present -
Holdings:: 24:2–40 (year 1986–2002) (closed stack). ISSN 0887-624X.

Journal of polymer science. A1. Polymer chemistry

Continued as: Journal of polymer science. Polymer chemistry edition.
Formerly known as: Journal of polymer science. A. General papers.
Holdings: 4–10 (year 1966–1972) (closed stack). ISSN 0449-296X.

Journal of polymer science. A 2. Polymer physics

Continued as: Journal of polymer science. Polymer physics edition.
Formerly known as: Journal of polymer science. A. General papers.
Holdings: 4–10 (year 1966–1972) (closed stack). ISSN 0449-2978.

Journal of polymer science. B. Polymer letters

Continued as: Journal of polymer science. Polymer letters edition.
Formerly known as: Journal of polymer science.
Holdings: 1–10 (year 1963–1972) (closed stack). ISSN 0449-2986.

Journal of polymer science. B. Polymer physics

Formerly known as: Journal of polymer science. Polymer physics edition and Journal of polymer science. C. Polymer letters.
Read: Journal of polymer science. B. Polymer physics online from 1996 to 2019 -
Holdings: 24:2–40 (year 1986–2002) (closed stack). ISSN 0887-6266.

Journal of polymer science. C. Polymer letters

Continued as: Journal of polymer science. A. Polymer chemistry, and Journal of polymer science. B, Polymer physics.
Formerly known as: Journal of polymer science. Polymer letters edition.
Holdings: 24:2–28 (year 1986–1990):13 (closed stack). ISSN 0887-6258.

Journal of polymer science. C. Polymer symposia

Continued as: Journal of polymer science. Polymer symposia.
Formerly known as: Journal of polymer science.
Holdings: 1–39 (year 1963–1972) (closed stack). ISSN 0449-2994

Journal of polymer science. Polymer chemistry edition

Continued as: Journal of polymer science. A. Polymer chemistry.
Formerly known as: Journal of polymer science. A–1.
Holdings: 11–23 (year 1973–1985) (closed stack). ISSN 0360-6376.

Journal of polymer science. Polymer letters edition

Continued as: Journal of polymer science. C. Polymer letters.
Formerly known as: Journal of polymer science. B.
Holdings: 11–23 (year 1973–1985) (closed stack). ISSN 0360-6384.

Journal of polymer science. Polymer physics edition

Continued as: Journal of polymer science. B. Polymer physics.
Formerly known as: Journal of polymer science. A–2.
Holdings: 11–23 (year 1973–1985) (closed stack). ISSN 0098-1273.

Journal of polymer science. Polymer symposia

Formerly known as: Journal of polymer science. C. Polymer symposia.
Holdings: 40–75 (year 1973–1993) (closed stack). ISSN 0360-8905

Journal of separation process technology

Holdings: 1–10 (year 1979/80–1989) (closed stack). ISSN 0260-6275.

Journal of solid-phase biochemistry

Continued as: Applied biochemistry and biotechnology.
Read: Journal of solid-phase biochemistry online from 1976 to 1981 -
Holdings: 1–5 (year 1976–1980) (closed stack). ISSN 0146-0641.

Journal of solid state chemistry

Read: Journal of solid state chemistry online from 1969 to present - ISSN 0022-4596.

Journal of solution chemistry

Read: Journal of solution chemistry online from 1972 to present -
Holdings:: 1–28 (year 1972–1999) (closed stack). ISSN 0095-9782.

Journal of structural chemistry
Zurnal strukturnej chimii

Read: Journal of structural chemistry online from 1960 to present -
Holdings: 1–44 (year 1960–2003), gap: 40, (closed stack). ISSN 0022-4766.

Journal of synthetic methods

Continued as: Derwent Journal of synthetic methods.
Holdings: 8–21 (year 1982–1995) (closed stack). ISSN 0260-8847.

Journal of texture studies

Read: Journal of texture studies online from 1969 to present -
Holdings: 1–36 (year 1969/70–2005) (closed stack). ISSN 0022-4901.

Journal of the American chemical society

Volumes 37–59 includes Proceedings of the American chemical society with another side numbering.
Read: Journal of the American chemical society online from 1879 to present -
Holdings: 1–136 (year 1879–2014) (closed stack). ISSN 0002-7863.

Journal of the American oil chemist's society

Read: Journal of the American oil chemist's society online from 1996 to present -
Holdings: 25–85 (year 1948–2008) (closed stack). ISSN 0003-021X.

Journal of the Association of official analytical chemists

Continued as: Journal of AOAC international.
Formerly known as: Journal of applied polymer science.
Holdings: 49–74 (year 1966–1991) (closed stack). ISSN 0004-5756

Journal of the chemical society. (1862)

Continued as: Journal of the Chemical society, Abstracts, and Journal of the Chemical society,Transactions.
Read: Journal of the Chemical society online from 1862 to 1877 -
Holdings: 1871–1877 log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Journal of the Chemical society. ISSN 2050-5442.

Journal of the chemical society. (1926)

Continued as: Journal of the Chemical society, A, B and C.
Formerly known as: Journal of the Chemical society. Transactions.
Read: Journal of the Chemical society online from1926 to1965 -
Holdings: 1926–1965 log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Journal of the Chemical society. (1926). ISSN 0368-1769.

Journal of the chemical society. A: Inorganic, physical and theoretical chemistry

Continued as: Journal of the Chemical Society. Dalton transactions.
Formerly known as: Journal of the Chemical society. (1926)
Read: Journal of the Chemical society. A: Inorganic, physical and theoretical chemistry online from 1966 to 1971 -
Holdings: 1966–1971 log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Journal of the Chemical society. A. ISSN 0022-4944.

Journal of the chemical society. Abstracts

Consists of Journal of the Chemical society even numbers.
Continued as: Journal of the Chemical society. A: Inorganic, physical and theoretical chemistry.
Read: Journal of the Chemical society. Abstracts online from 1878 to 1925 -
Holdings: 34–128 (year 1878–1925) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Journal of the Chemical society. Abstracts. ISSN 0590-9791.

Journal of the chemical society. B: Physical organic

Continued as: Journal of the Chemical Society. Perkin transactions. II.
Formerly known as: Journal of the Chemical society. (1926)
Read: Journal of the Chemical society. B: Physical organic online from 1966 to 1971 -
Holdings: 1966–1971 log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Journal of the Chemical society. B. ISSN 0045-6470.

Journal of the chemical society. C: Organic

Continued as: Journal of the Chemical Society. Perkin transactions. I.
Formerly known as: Journal of the Chemical society. (1926)
Read: Journal of the chemical society. C: Organic online from 1966 to 1971 -
Holdings: 1966–71 log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Journal of the chemical society. C. ISSN 0022-4952.

Journal of the chemical society. D: Chemical communications

Continued as: Journal of the Chemical Society. Chemical communications.
Formerly known as: Chemical communications.
Read: Journal of the Chemical society. D: Chemical communications online from1965 to 1968 -
Holdings: 1969–1971 log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Journal of the Chemical society. D. ISSN 0577-6171.

Journal of the chemical society. Chemical communications

Continued as: Chemical communications.
Formerly known as:Journal of the Chemical society. D: Chemical communications. 
Read: Journal of the Chemical society. Chemical communications online from 1972 to 1995 -
Holdings: 1972–1995 (closed stack). ISSN 0022-4936.

Journal of the chemical society. Dalton transactions

Formerly known as: Journal of the Chemical society. A.
Continued as: Dalton transactions.
Read: Journal of the Chemical society. Dalton transactions online from 1972 to 1999 -
Holdings: 1972–1999 (closed stack). ISSN 0300-9246.

Journal of the chemical society. Faraday transactions

Formerly known as Journal of the Chemical society. 1 and 2
Continued as PCCP. Physical chemistry chemical physics
Read: Journal of the Chemical society. Faraday transactions online from 1990 to 1998 -
Holdings: 86–94 (year 1990–1998) (closed stack). ISSN 0956-5000.

Journal of the chemical society. Faraday transactions 1

Continued as: Journal of the Chemical society. Faraday transactions.
Formerly known as: Transactions of the Faraday Society.
Read: Journal of the Chemical society. Faraday transactions 1 online from 1972 to 1989 -
Holdings: 68–85 (year 1972–1989) (closed stack). ISSN 0300-9599.

Journal of the chemical society. Faraday transactions 2

Continued as: Journal of the Chemical society. Faraday transactions.
Formerly known as: Transactions of the Faraday Society.
Read: Journal of the Chemical society. Faraday transactions 2 online from 1972 to 1989 -
Holdings: 68–85 (year 1972–1989) (closed stack). ISSN 0300-9238.

Journal of the chemical Society. Perkin transactions. I

Formerly known as: Journal of the Chemical society. C.
Read: Journal of the Chemical Society. Perkin transactions. I online from 1972 to 1999 -
Holdings: 1972–2002 (closed stack). ISSN 0300-922X.

Journal of the chemical Society. Perkin transactions. II

Formerly known as: Journal of the Chemical society. B.
Read: Journal of the Chemical Society. Perkin transactions. II online from2001 to 2002 -
Holdings: 1972–2002 (closed stack). ISSN 0300-9580.

Journal of the chemical society. Transactions

Consists of Journal of the Chemical society, uneven numbers.
Continued as: Journal of the Chemical society (1926).
Formerly known as: Journal of the Chemical society.
Read: Journal of the Chemical society. Transactions online from 1878 to1925 -
Holdings: 33–127 (year 1878–1925) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Journal of the Chemical society. Transactions. ISSN 0368-1645.

Journal of the electrochemical society

Read: Journal of the Electrochemical society online from 1948 to present -
Holdings: 104–152 (year 1957–2005), 153 (year 2006):1–2, 10–12 (closed stack). ISSN 0013-4651.

Journal of the Indian chemical society

Holdings: 5–16 (year 1928–1939) (closed stack). ISSN 0019-4522.

Journal of the science of food and agriculture

Read: Journal of the science of food and agriculture online from 1996 to present -
Holdings: 20–82 (year 1969–2002) (closed stack). ISSN 0022-5142.

Journal of the society of dairy technology

Continued as: International journal of dairy technology.
Read: Journal of the Society of dairy technology online from 1947 to 1996 -
Holdings: 17–32 (year 1964–1979) (closed stack). ISSN 0037-9840.

Journal of vinyl and additive technology

Formerly known as: Journal of vinyl technology
Read: Journal of vinyl and additive technology online from 1996 to present -
Holdings: 1–11 (year 1995–2005) (closed stack). ISSN 1083-5601.

Journal of vinyl technology

Continued as: Journal of vinyl and additive technology.
Holdings: 1–16 (year 1983–1994) (closed stack). ISSN 0193-7197.

Justus Liebig's annalen der chemie

Continued as: Liebigs Annalen der Chemie.
Formerly known as: Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie
Holdings: 1874–1978 (Library, Periodica). ISSN 0075-4617.



Holdings: 1–40 (year1970– 2009) (closed stack).

Kemisk maanedsblad og nordisk handelsblad for kemisk industri

Continued as: Dansk kemi.
Holdings: 13–45 (year 1932–1964) (closed stack). ISSN 0368-5233.

Kemisk tidskrift (1969)

Continued as: Kemisk tidskrift, Kemivärlden.
Formerly known as: Svensk kemisk tidskrift.
Holdings: 81–105 (year 1969–1993); 1994–1999 (closed stack). ISSN 0039-6605.

Kemisk tidskrift (2019)

Formerly known as: Kemivärlden, Biotech, Kemisk tidskrift
Holdings: 2019:1– (Current year in the Library; Older volumes closed stack). ISSN: 2003-2722.

Kemiska notiser

Continued as: Svensk kemisk tidskrift.
Holdings: 1887–1888 (closed stack).


Continued as: Kemisk tidskrift, Kemivärlden.
Holdings: 1–2:8 (year 1992–1993) (closed stack). ISSN 1102-6650.

Kemivärlden, biotech, kemisk tidskrift

Continued as: Kemisk tidskrift and Life Science Sweden with Kemivärlden.
Formerly known as: Kemisk tidskrift, Kemivärlden.
Holdings: 2006:9–2018:8, gaps, (closed stack). ISSN 1653-5596.

Kieler milchwirtschaftliche Forschungsberichte

Holdings: 3–51 (year 1951–1999) (closed stack). ISSN 0023-1347.

Kinetics and catalysis

Read: Kinetics and catalysis online from2000 to present -
Holdings: 25–40 (year 1984–1999) (closed stack). ISSN 0023-1584.


Holdings: 1–81 (year 1911–1991), gap: 76: january–april, log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Kunststoffe. ISSN 0023-5563.


Laboratory practice

Holdings:: 15–31 (year 1966–1982) (closed stack). ISSN 0023-6853.


Continued as: Dairy science & technology.
Formerly known as: Revue generale de lait.
Read: Lait online from 1921 to 2007 -
Holdings: 33–80 (year 1953–2000), gaps, (closed stack) [64–80 (1984–2000) placerade efter Ö]. ISSN 0023-7302.


Read: Langmuir online from 1985 to present -
Holdings: 6–19 (year 1990–2003) (closed stack). ISSN 0743-7463.

LC GC : magazine of liquid and gas chromatography

Holdings: 8–11 (year 1990–1993) (closed stack). ISSN 0888-9090.


Holdings: 6 (year 1973), 13–17 (year 1980–1984) (closed stack). ISSN 0256-6575.

Lebensmittel-wissenschaft + technologie / LWT Food science and technology

Read: Lebensmittel–Wissenschaft + Technologie / LWT Food Science and Technology online from 1993 to present -
Holdings: 2–31 (year 1969–1998) (closed stack). ISSN 0460-1173.

Liebigs annalen

Continued as: European journal of inorganic chemistry, and European journal of organic chemistry.
Formerly known as: Liebigs Annalen der Chemie.
Holdings: 1995–1997 (closed stack). ISSN 0947-3440.

Liebigs annalen der chemie

Continued as: Liebigs Annalen.
Formerly known as: Justus Liebig's Annalen der Chemie.
Holdings: 1979–1994 (closed stack). ISSN 0170-2041.

Life science Sweden with Kemivärlden

Formerly known as: Kemivärlden, Biotech, Kemisk tidskrift.
Holdings: 2019:2– (Library). ISSN 2003-2749.


Read: Lipids online from 1996 to present -
Read: Lipids online from 1966 to 2017 -
Holdings: 20–35 (year 1985–2000), gaps, (closed stack). ISSN 0024-4201.


Holdings: 21–38 (year 1979–1996) (closed stack). ISSN 0024-5399.

Loss prevention

Holdings: 2–14 (year 1968–1981) (closed stack). ISSN 0260-9576.

LWT - Food science and technology

See: Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft + Technologie / LWT Food Science and Technology


Macromolecular chemistry and physics

Formerly known as: Die makromolekulare Chemie.
Read: Macromolecular chemistry and physics online from 1998 to present -
Holdings: 195–203 (year 1994–2002) (closed stack). ISSN 1022-1352.

Macromolecular rapid communications

Formerly known as: Die makromolekular Chemie. Rapid communications.
Read: Macromolecular rapid communications online from 1998 to present -
Holdings: 15–23 (year 1994–2002) (closed stack). ISSN 1022-1336.

Macromolecular materials and engineering

Formerly known as: Angewandte makromolekulare Chemie
Read: Macromolecular materials and engineering online from 2000 to present - ISSN 1439-2054.

Macromolecular reports: international rapid publications

Holdings: 28–33 (year 1991–1996) (closed stack). ISSN 1060-278X.

Macromolecular symposia

Formerly known as: Die makromolekulare Chemie. Macromolecular symposia.
Read: Macromolecular symposia online from 2000 to present -
Holdings: 77–136 (year 1994–1998) (closed stack). ISSN 1022-1360.

Macromolecular theory and simulations

Formerly known as: Die makromolekulare Chemie. Theory and simulations.
Read: Macromolecular theory and simulations online from 1998 to present -
Holdings: 3–11 (year 1994–2002) (closed stack). ISSN 1022-1344.


Read: Macromolecules online from 1968 to present -
Holdings: 1–38 (year1968– 2005) (closed stack). ISSN 0024-9297.

Magnetic resonance in chemistry

Formerly known as: Organic magnetic resonance.
Read: Magnetic resonance in chemistry online from 1996 to present -
Holdings: 23–40 (year 1985–2002) (closed stack). ISSN 0749-1581.

Magnetic resonance review

Holdings: 1–12 (year 1972–1987) (closed stack). ISSN 0097-7330.

Makromolekulare chemie

Continued as Macromolecular chemistry and physics.
Holdings: 1–194 (year 1947–1993), Suppl.1–15 (year 1975–1989) (closed stack). ISSN 0025-116X.

Makromolekulare chemie. Macromolecular symposia

Continued as: Macromolecular symposia.
Holdings: 1–76 (year 1986–1993) (closed stack). ISSN 0258-0322

Makromolekulare chemie. Rapid communications

Continued as Macromolecular rapid communications.
Holdings: 1–14 (year 1980–1993) (closed stack). ISSN 0173-2803.

Makromolekulare chemie. Theory and simulations

Continued as: Macromolecular theory and simulations.
Holdings: 1–2 (year 1992–1993) (closed stack). ISSN 1018-5054.

Manufacturing chemists

Formerly known as: Chemical age.
Holdings: 52–58 (year 1981–1987) (closed stack). ISSN 0262-4230.

Meat science

Read: Meat science online from 1977 to present - ISSN 0309-1740.

Mechanisms of reactions of sulfur compounds

Continued as: International journal of sulfur chemistry. Part C.
Holdings: 1–5 (year 1966–1970) (closed stack). ISSN 0543-2081.

Meddelanden från Sveriges kemiska industrikontor

Holdings: 1–30 (year 1918–1947) (closed stack). ISSN 0369-2205.


Holdings: 54–81 (year 1965–1992), gaps, (closed stack). ISSN 0025-8776.


Holdings: 1963–1978 (closed stack). ISSN 0800-8868.

Mejeritidskrift för Finlands svenskbygd

Continued as: MT.
Holdings: 34–41 (year 1972–1979) (closed stack). ISSN 0355-0532.

Memoirs of the faculty of science, Kyushu University. Series C chemistry

Holdings: 1–19 (year 1949–1993) (closed stack). ISSN 0085-2635.

Mendeleev communications

Read: Mendeleev communications online from 1991 to present -
Holdings: 1991–2002 (closed stack). ISSN 0959-9436.

Metal ions in biological systems

Holdings: 1–40 (year 1973–2003) (Library). ISSN 0161-5149.

Methods of biochemical analysis

Holdings: 1–39 (year 1954–1999) (Library). ISSN 0076-6941.

Methods in enzymology

Read: Methods in enzymology online from 1955 to present - ISSN 0076-6879.

Microchemical journal

Read: Microchemical journal online from 1957 to present - ISSN 0026-265X


Continued as: Mikrochemie vereinigt mit Mikrochimica acta
Read: Mikrochemie online from 1923 to 1938 -
Holdings: 1–24 (year 1923–1938) (closed stack). ISSN 0369-0261.

Mikrochemie vereinigt mit mikrochimica acta

Formerly known as: Mikrochemie.
Continued as: Mikrochimica acta (1953).
Read: Mikrochemie vereinigt mit Mikrochimica acta online from 1938 to 1953 -
Holdings: 25–40 (year 1938–1953) (closed stack). ISSN 0369-2795.

Mikrochimica acta (1937)

Continued as: Mikrochemie vereinigt mit Mikrochimica acta.
Read: Mikrochimica acta (1937) online from 1937 to 1938 -
Holdings: 1937–1938 (closed stack). ISSN 0344-8436.

Mikrochimica acta (1953)

Continued as: Mikrochimica et ichnoanalytica acta.
Formerly known as: Mikrochemie vereinigt mit Mikrochimica acta.
Read: Mikrochimica acta (1937) online from 1953 to 1962 -
Holdings: 1953–1962 (closed stack). ISSN 0344-838X

Mikrochimica acta (1966)

Formerly known as: Mikrochimica et ichnoanalytica acta.
Read: Microchimica Acta online from 1966 to present -
Holdings: 1966–132 (year 1999) (closed stack). ISSN 0026-3672.

Mikrochimica et ichnoanalytica acta

Continued as: Mikrochimica acta (1966).
Formerly known as: Mikrochimica acta (1953).
Read: Microchimica Acta online from 1963 to 1965 -
Holdings:: 1963–1965 (closed stack). ISSN 0369-0504.

Milchwirtschaftliche berichte aus den bundesanstalten wolfpassing und rotholz

Holdings: 1–85 (year 1964–1985) (closed stack). ISSN 0544-1706.

Milk Science International

Read: Milk Science International online from 2015 to present -
Holdings: 1–67 (year 1946–2012), gaps, (closed stack) [1–7 (1946–1952), 55–67 (2000–2012) placerade efter Ö]. ISSN 0026-3788.

Milk industry

Holdings: 56–85 (year 1965–1983) (closed stack). ISSN 0026-4172.

Milk plant monthly

Holdings: 38–47 (year 1949–1958) (closed stack). ISSN 0097-6903.

Milk products journal

Holdings: 44–53 (year 1953–1962) (closed stack). ISSN 0099-7099.

Modern dairy

Holdings: 48–63 (year 1969–1983), gaps, (closed stack). ISSN 0026-7651.

Modern kemi

Holdings: 1968–1973 (closed stack). ISSN 0047-7710.

Modern plastics

Holdings: 42–47 (year 1964–1970) (closed stack). ISSN 0026-8275.

Modern plastics international

Holdings: 2–23 (year 1972–1993) (closed stack). ISSN 0026-8283.

Molecular and cellular biochemistry

Read: Molecular and cellular biochemistry online from 1973 to present -
Holdings: 1–241 (year 1973–2002) (closed stack). ISSN 0300-8177.

Molecular biosystems

Continued as: Molecular omics.
Read: Molecular biosystems online from 2005 to 2017-
Holdings: 1–2 (year 2005–2006) (closed stack). ISSN 1742-206X.

Molecular catalysis

Formerly known as: Journal of molecular catalysis.
Read: Molecular Catalysis online from 2017 to present - ISSN 2468-8231.

Molecular crystals

Continued as: Molecular crystals and liquid crystals.
Holdings: 1–5:3 (year 1966–1969) (closed stack). ISSN 0369-1152.

Molecular crystals and liquid crystals (1969)

Formerly known as: Molecular crystals.
Continues as: Molecular crystals and liquid crystals science and technology. Section A, Molecular crystals and liquid crystals.
Holdings:: 5:4–165 (year 1969–1988) (closed stack). ISSN 1044-1859.

Molecular crystals and liquid crystals (2002)

Formerly known as: Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology. Section A. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals.
Read: Molecular crystals and liquid crystals online from 2002 to present - ISSN 1563-5287.

Molecular crystals and liquid crystals bulletin

Holdings:: 2–3 (year 1987–1988) (closed stack). ISSN 0884-8408.

Molecular crystals and liquid crystals science and technology. Section A. Molecular crystals and liquid crystals

Formerly known as: Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystal (1991)
Continues as: Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals (2002)
Read: Molecular crystals and liquid crystals science and technology. Section A online from 1997 to 2001 - ISSN 1026-5422.

Molecular omics

Formerly known as: Molecular biosystems.
Read: Molecular omics online from 2018 to present - ISSN 1742-205.

Molecular physics

Read: Molecular physics online from 1996 to present -
Holdings: 1–101 (year 1958–2004), 104(2006) (closed stack). ISSN 0026-8976.

Molecular simulation

Read: Molecular simulation online from 1997 to present -
Holdings: 5–7 (year 1990–1991) (closed stack). ISSN 0892-7022.

Molecular spectroscopy

Holdings: 1–6 (year 1973–1979) (closed stack). ISSN 0305-9782.

Molkerei- und käserei-zeitung

Continued as: Deutsche Milchwirtschaft.
Holdings: 4–19 (year 1953–1968) (closed stack). ISSN 0540-6013.


Continued as: Welt der Milch.
Holdings: 7 (year 1953) (closed stack). ISSN 0369-3082.
Placed on: Welt der Milch.

Molocnaja promyslemnost

Holdings: 1950–1982, gaps, (closed stack). ISSN 0026-9026.

Monatshefte für chemie

Formerly known as: Monatshefte für Chemie und verwandte Teile anderer Wissenschaften.
Read: Monatshefte für Chemie online from 1968 to present -
Holdings: 99–130 (year 1968–1999) (closed stack). ISSN 0026-9247.

Monatshefte für chemie und verwandte teile anderer wissenschaften

Continued as: Monatshefte für Chemie.
Read: Monatshefte für Chemie und verwandte Teile anderer Wissenschaften online from 1880 to 1967 -
Holdings: 85–98 (year 1954–1967) (closed stack). ISSN 0343-7329.

MT. Mejeritidskrift för Finlands svenskbygd

Formerly known as: Mejeritidskrift för Finlands svenskbygd.
Holdings: 42–47 (year 1980–1985) (closed stack). ISSN 0782-2383.


Read: Maelkeritidende online from 2006 to present (not complete) -
Holdings: 24–97 (year 1911–1984), 113–114 (year 2000–2001), 125–128 (year 2012–2015) gaps, (closed stack) [24–75 (1911–1962), 96–97 (1983–1984), 113–114 (2000–2001), 125–128 (2012–2015) gaps, placerade efter Ö]. ISSN 0024-9645.


Nachrichten aus chemie und technik

Continued as: Nachrichten aus Chemie, Technik und Laboratorium.
Holdings: 12–18 (year 1964–1970) (closed stack). ISSN 0027-738X.

Nachrichten aus chemie, technik und laboratorium

Formerly known as: Nachrichten aus Chemie und Technik.
Holdings: 26–47 (year 1978–1999) (closed stack). ISSN 0341-5163.

Natural product reports

Read: Natural product reports online from 1984 to present -
Holdings: 4–20 (year 1987–2003) (closed stack). ISSN 0265-0568.


Read: Nature online from 1950 to present -
Holdings: 159 (year 1947)–2014 (closed stack). ISSN 0028-0836.

Netherlands milk and dairy journal

Has merged into: International dairy journal.
Holdings: 1–50 (year 1947–1996) (closed stack). ISSN 0028-209X.

New journal of chemistry = Nouveau journal de chimie

Formerly known as: Nouveau journal de chimie.
Read: New journal of chemistry online from 1998 to present -
Holdings: 11–30 (year 1987–2006) (closed stack). ISSN 1144-0546
Some volumes with incorrect title on the spine

New Zealand journal of dairy science and technology

Holdings:: 3–23 (year 1968–1988) (closed stack). ISSN 0300-1342.

Nouveau journal de chimie

Continued as: New journal of chemistry.
Holdings: 1–10 (year 1977–1986) (closed stack). ISSN 0398-9836.

Nutrition abstracts and reviews

Continued as: Nutrition abstracts and reviews. Series A Human and experimental.
Holdings: 22–36 (year 1952–1966), 44–46 (year 1974–1976) (closed stack). ISSN 0029-6619.

Nutrition abstracts and reviews. Series A Human and experimental

Formerly known as: Nutrition abstracts and reviews.
Holdings: 47–62 (year 1977–1992) (closed stack). ISSN 0309-1295.

Nutrition and cancer

Read: Nutrition and cancer online from 1999 to present(embargo 18 months -
Holdings: 11–26 (year 1988–1996) (closed stack). ISSN 0163-5581.

Nutrition & food science

Formerly known as: Review of nutrition and food science.
Read: Nutrition & food science online from 1971 to present -
Holdings: 1971:22–1993:133 (closed stack). ISSN 0034-6659.

Nutrition research

Read: Nutrition research online from 1981 to present - ISSN 0271-5317.

Nyt fra biocentralen

Holdings: 1969–1973 (closed stack).


Oil and gas journal

Holdings: 84–97 (year 1986–1999) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Oil and gas journal. ISSN 0030-1388.

Organic & biomolecular chemistry

Formerly known as: Journal of the Chemical Society. Perkin transactions I, and II.
Read: Organic & biomolecular chemistry online from 2003 to present -
Holdings: 1–4 (year 2003–2006) (closed stack). ISSN 1477-0520.

Organic letters

Read: Organic letters online from 1999 to present -
Holdings: 1–6 (year 1999–2004), 9:7–8 (year 2007), 10 (year 2008), gaps, (closed stack). ISSN 1523-7060.

Organic magnetic resonance

Continued as: Magnetic resonance in chemistry.
Holdings: 1–22 (year 1969–1984) (closed stack). ISSN 0030-4921.

Organic mass spectrometry

Holdings: 1–10 (year 1968–1975) (closed stack). ISSN 0030-493X.

Organic photochemistry

Holdings: 1–11 (year 1967–1991) (closed stack). ISSN 0078-6152.

Organic preparations and procedures

Continued as: Organic Preparations and Procedures International.
Holdings: 1–2 (year 1969–1970) (closed stack). ISSN 0885-6672.

Organic Preparations and Procedures International

Formerly known as: Organic preparations and procedures.
Read: Organic Preparations and Procedures International online from 1997 to present - ISSN 1945-5453.

Organic reaction mechanisms

Holdings: 1965–1995 (closed stack). ISSN 0474-4772.

Organic reactivity

Holdings: 28–31 (year 1993–1997) (closed stack). ISSN 0131-8314.

Organic syntheses

Read: Organic syntheses online from 1921 to present -
Holdings: 1–76 (year 1921–1999) (Library Ref Handbok Organisk kemi). ISSN 0078-6209.

Organic syntheses. Collective volume

Read: Organic syntheses. Collective volume online from 1932 to present -
Holdings: 1 to present (year 1932 to present) (Library Ref Handbok Organisk kemi). ISSN 0078-6217.

Organometallic reactions

Holdings: 1–5 (year 1970–1975) (closed stack). ISSN 0078-6497.


Read: Organometallics online from 1982 to present -
Holdings: 1–24 (year 1982–2006) (closed stack). ISSN 0276-7333.


PAG Bulletin

Continued as Food and nutrition bulletin.
Holdings: 1969–1977 (closed stack). ISSN 0377-760X.

Pakistan journal of scientific and industrial research

Continued as: Pakistan journal of scientific and industrial research. Series A, Physical sciences.
Holdings: 34–54 (year 1991–2011) (closed stack). ISSN 0030-9885.

Pakistan journal of scientific and industrial research. Series A, Physical sciences

Formerly known as: Pakistan journal of scientific and industrial research.
Read: Pakistan journal of scientific and industrial research. Series A online from 2016 to present -
Holdings: 54 no. 1–3 01/02–09/10 (year 2011), 55 no. 1,3 January/February (year 2012), 56 no. 1 March (year 2013) (closed stack). ISSN 2221-6413.

PCCP. Physical chemistry chemical physics

Formerly known as: Journal of the Chemical Society. Faraday transactions and Berichte der Bunsen–Gesellschaft.
Read: PCCP online from 1999 to present -
Holdings: 1–8 (year 1999–2006) (closed stack). ISSN 1463-9076.

Perspectives in drug discovery and design

Read: Perspectives in drug discovery and design online from 1993 to present -
Holdings: 1–6 (year 1993–1996), 9/10/11–20 (year 1998-2000) (closed stack). ISSN 0928-2866.

Phosphorus and sulfur and the related elements

Continued as: Phosphorus, sulfur and silicon and the related elements.
Formerly known as: International journal of sulfur chemistry.
Holdings: 1–40 (year 1976-1988) (closed stack). ISSN 0308-664X.

Phosphorus, sulfur and silicon and the related elements

Formerly known as: Phosphorus and sulfur and the related elements.
Read: Phosphorus, sulfur and silicon and the related elements online from 1997 to present - ISSN 1563-5325.

Physical methods in macromolecular chemistry

Holdings:1–2 (year 1969-1972) (closed stack). ISSN 0556-0179.


Read: Phytochemistry online from 1961 to present - ISSN 0031-9422.


Formerly known as: Inorganic and nuclear chemistry letters, and Journal of inorganic and nuclear chemistry.
Read: Polyhedron online from 1982to present - ISSN 0277-5387.


Formerly known as: Computational and theoretical polymer science. Has incorporated: Polymer communications.
Read: Polymer online from 1960 to present - ISSN 0032-3861.

Polymer bulletin

Read: Polymer bulletin online from 1978 to present -
Holdings: 23–43 (year 1990-1999) (closed stack). ISSN 0170-0839.

Polymer communications

Continued as: Polymer.
Holdings: 24–32 (year 1983-1991) (closed stack). ISSN 0263-6476.

Polymer engineering and science

Read: Polymer engineering and science online from 1977 to present -
Holdings: 17–46 (year 1977-2006), gaps 26–27, 28:1, (closed stack). ISSN 1548-2634.

Polymer engineering reviews

Continued as: Journal of polymer engineering.
Holdings: 1–4 (year 1981–1984) (closed stack). ISSN 0250-8079.

Polymer journal

Read: Polymer journal online from 1970 to present -
Holdings: 10–42 (year 1978–2010) (closed stack). ISSN 0032-3896.

Polymer Reviews

Formerly known as: Journal of macromolecular science. C. Polymer reviews.
Read: Polymer Reviews online from 2007 to present - ISSN 1558-3716.

Preparative biochemistry

Continued as: Preparative biochemistry and biotechnology.
Holdings: 1–23:1–3 (year 1971–1993) (closed stack). ISSN 0032-7484.

Preparative biochemistry and biotechnology

Formerly known as: Preparative Biochemistry.
Read: Preparative biochemistry and biotechnology online from 1997 to present -
Holdings: 26–36 (year 1996–2006), gaps, (closed stack). ISSN 1082-6068.

Proceedings of the academy of sciences of the USSR. Chemistry section
Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR

Continued as Doklady Chemistry.
Holdings: 118–147 (year 1958–1962) (closed stack). ISSN 0197-8217.

Proceedings of the American chemical society

Holdings: 1901–1904, 1910–1937 (closed stack).

Proceedings of the nutrition society

Read: Proceedings of the Nutrition Society online from 1944 to present -
Holdings: 53–55 (year 1994–1996) (closed stack). ISSN 0029-6651.

Proceedings of the Romanian academy. Series B, chemistry, life sciences, and geosciences

Holdings: 14:2 to present (year 2012 to present) (closed stack). ISSN 1454-8267.

Process biochemistry (1966 / 1991)

Read: Process biochemistry online from 1991 to present -
Holdings: 1–28 (year 1966–1993) (closed stack). ISSN 0032-9592 / 1359-5113.

Process biochemistry international

ISSN 0963-4940. See: Process biochemistry.

Process engineering

Formerly known as: CPE Chemical & process engineering (1964).
Read: Process engineering online from 2012 to present -
Holdings: 1972:august –74 (year 1993) (closed stack). ISSN 0370-1859.


Formerly known as: Chemical processing.
Read: Processing online from 2005 to present (embargo 3 months) -
Holdings: 20:10 (year 1974)–1999 (closed stack). ISSN

Progress in biophysics and biophysical chemistry

Continued as: Progress in biophysics and molecular biology.
Holdings: 1–12 (year 1950–1962) (closed stack). ISSN 0096-4174.

Progress in biophysics and molecular biology

Formerly known as: Progress in biophysics and biophysical chemistry.
Read: Progress in biophysics and molecular biology online from 1963 to present - ISSN 0079-6107.

Progress in boron chemistry

Holdings: 1–3 (year 1964–1970) (closed stack). ISSN 0079-6115.

Progress in colloid & polymer science

Formerly known as: Fortschrittsberichte über Kolloide und Polymere.
Read: Progress in colloid & polymer science online from 1975 to 2013 (gap: 1997-2004) -
Holdings: 56–108 (year 1975–1998), 129 (year 2004) (closed stack). ISSN 0340-255X.

Progress in food and nutrition science

Holdings: 1–17 (year 1975–1993), gaps, (closed stack). ISSN 0306-0632.

Progress in inorganic chemistry

Holdings: 1–40 (year 1959–1992) (closed stack). ISSN 0079-6379.

Progress in nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry

Read: Progress in nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry online from 1965 to present - ISSN 0079-6565.

Progress in physical organic chemistry

Holdings: 1–19 (year 1963–1993) (closed stack). ISSN 0079-6662.

Progress in reaction kinetics

Continued as: Progress in reaction kinetics and mechanism.
Holdings: 1–23 (year 1961–1998) (closed stack). ISSN 0079-6743.

Progress in reaction kinetics and mechanism

Formerly known as: Progress in reaction kinetics.
Read: Progress in reaction kinetics and mechanism online from 1999 to present -
Holdings: 24–43 (year 1999–2018) (closed stack). ISSN 1468-6783.

Progress in stereochemistry

Holdings: 1–4 (year 1954–1969) (closed stack). ISSN 0079-6808.

Progress in surface science

Read: Progress in surface science online from 1971 to present - ISSN 0079-6816.

Protein engineering

Continued as: Protein engineering design & selection. PEDS.
Read: Protein engineering online from 1986 to 2003 -
Holdings: 1–16 (year 1986–2003) (closed stack). ISSN 0269-2139.

Protein engineering design & selection. PEDS

Formerly known as: Protein engineering.
Read: Protein engineering design & selection. PEDS online from 2004 to present - ISSN 1741-0134.

Protein expression and purification

Read: Protein expression and purification online from 1990 to present -
Holdings: 1–32 (year1990– 2003) (closed stack). ISSN 1046-5928.

Protein science

Read: Protein science online from 1992 to present -
Holdings: 1–22 (year 1992–2013) (closed stack). ISSN 0961-8368.

Pure and applied chemistry

Read: Pure and applied chemistry online from 1960 to present -
Holdings: 1–71 (year 1960–1999) (closed stack). ISSN 0033-4545.


Quarterly reports on sulfur chemistry

Continued as: International journal of sulfur chemistry. Part B.
Holdings: 1–5 (year 1966–1970) (closed stack). ISSN 0033-5738.

Quarterly reviews

Partly replaced by: Chemical society reviews.
Read: Quarterly reviews online from 1947 to 1971 -
Holdings: 1–25 (year 1947–1971) (closed stack). ISSN 0009-2681.

Quarterly reviews of biophysics

Read: Quarterly reviews of biophysics online from 1997 to present -
Holdings: 1–35 (year 1968–2002) (closed stack). ISSN 0033-5835.


Rakuno kagaku no kenkyu

ISSN 0370-5919. See: Japanese journal of dairy science.

Rakuno kagaku, shokuhin no kenkyu

ISSN 0385-0218. See: Japanese journal of dairy and food science.

Reaction kinetics and catalysis letters

Continued as: Reaction kinetics, mechanisms and catalysis.
Read: Reaction kinetics, mechanisms and catalysis online from 1974 to 2009 -
Holdings: 24–68 (year 1984–1999) (closed stack). ISSN 0304-4122.

Reaction kinetics, mechanisms and catalysis

Formerly known as: Reaction kinetics and catalysis letters.
Read: Reaction kinetics, mechanisms and catalysis online from 2010 to present - ISSN

Reactive & functional polymers

Preceding: Reactive polymers.
Read: Reactive & functional polymers online from 1995 to present - ISSN 1381-5148.

Reactive polymers

Continued as: Reactive & functional polymers.
Formerly known as: Reactive polymers, ion exchangers, sorbents.
Read: Reactive polymers online from 1989 to 1995 - ISSN 0923-1137.

Reactive polymers, ion exchangers, sorbents

Continued as: Reactive polymers.
Read: Reactive polymers, ion exchangers, sorbents online from 1982 to 1988 - ISSN 0167-6989.

Recent advances in food science

Holdings: 1–3 (year 1962–1963) (closed stack). ISSN 0079-9912.

Record of chemical progress

Holdings: 9–22 (year 1948–1961), gaps, (closed stack). ISSN 0034-1584.

Recueil des travaux chimiques des Pays-Bas (1882)

Continued as: Recueil des travaux chimiques des Pays-Bas et de la Belgique.
Holdings: 1–15 (year 1882–1896) (closed stack). ISSN 0034-186X.

Recueil des travaux chimiques des Pays-Bas (1920)

Continued as: Liebigs Annalen, Chemische Berichte.
Formerly known as: Recueil des travaux chimiques des Pays-Bas et de la Belgique.
Holdings: 39–115 (year 1920–1995) (closed stack). ISSN 0165-0513.

Recueil des travaux chimiques des Pays–Bas et de la Belgique

Continued as: Recueil des travaux chimiques des Pays-Bas (1920).
Formerly known as: Recueil des travaux chimiques des Pays-Bas.
Holdings: 16–38 (year 1897–1919) (closed stack). ISSN 0370-7539.

Reference source

Formerly known as: Baker's digest.
Holdings: 1988–1999 (closed stack). 

Report. National institute for research in dairying

Holdings: 1941/43–1981, gaps, (closed stack). ISSN 0302-0851.

Reports of research laboratory

Holdings: 70–72 (year 1969–1971), 75–79 (year 1977–1984), 99 (year 1993) (closed stack). ISSN 0082-4763.

Review of nutrition and food science

Continued as: Nutrition & food science.
Holdings: 1969:15–1970:21 (closed stack). ISSN 0486-6126.

Review of nutrition research

Formerly known as: Borden's review of nutrition research.
Holdings: 29–31 (year 1968–1971) (closed stack). ISSN 0360-2656.
Find at: Borden's review of nutrition research

Reviews in chemical engineering

Read: Reviews in chemical engineering online from 1995 to present -
Holdings: 4–8 (year 1987–1992) (closed stack). ISSN 0167-8299.

Reviews in inorganic chemistry

Read: Reviews in inorganic chemistry online from 1995 to present -
Holdings: 10–30 (year 1989–2010) (closed stack). ISSN 0193-4929.

Reviews in macromolecular chemistry

Holdings: 1–12 (year 1967–1975) (closed stack). ISSN 0557-6458.

Reviews of pure and applied chemistry

Holdings: 20–22 (year 1970–1972) (closed stack). ISSN 0034-687X.

Revue laitiere francaise

Formerly known as: Industrie Laitiere.
Holdings: 1965:228–1982:412, 1983:417–418 (closed stack). ISSN 0035-3590.

Revue roumaine de chimie

Holdings: 9 to present (year 1964 to present), gaps. ISSN 0035-3930.

Rheologica acta

Read: Rheologica acta online from 1958 to present -
Holdings: 1–38 (year 1958–1999) (closed stack). ISSN 0035-4511.

Roczniki Instytutu przemyslu mleczarskiego

Holdings: 16:2–21:2 (year 1974–1979) (closed stack). ISSN 0538-2513.

Rubber chemistry and technology

Holdings: 50–67 (year 1977–1994) (closed stack). ISSN 0035-9475.

Russian chemical bulletin

Formerly known as: Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Division of Chemical Science.
Read: Russian chemical bulletin online from 1952 to present -
Holdings: 42–48 (year 1993–1999) (closed stack). ISSN 1066-5285.

Russian chemical reviews
Uspechi chimii

Read: Russian chemical reviews online from1960 to present -
Holdings: 29–73 (year 1960–2004) (closed stack). ISSN 0036-021X.

Russian journal of coordination chemistry

Formerly known as: Soviet journal of coordination chemistry.
Read: Russian journal of coordination chemistry online from 2000:12 to present -
Holdings:19–25 (year 1993–1999) (closed stack). ISSN 1070-3284.

Russian journal of general chemistry

Formerly known as: Journal of general chemistry of the USSR.
Read: Russian journal of general chemistry online from 2001 to present -
Holdings: 63–69 (year 1993–1999) (closed stack). ISSN 1070-3632.

Russian journal of inorganic chemistry
Zurnal neorganiceskoj chimii

Formerly known as: Journal of inorganic chemistry (USSR).
Read: Russian journal of inorganic chemistry online from 2006 to present -
Holdings: 4:7–38 (year 1959–1993) (closed stack). ISSN 0036-0236.

Russian journal of organic chemistry

Formerly known as: Journal of organic chemistry of the USSR.
Read: Russian journal of organic chemistry online from 2001 to present -
Holdings: 29–30:1–2 (year 1993–1994) (closed stack). ISSN 1070-4280.

Russian journal of physical chemistry
Zurnal fiziceskoj chimii

Read: Russian journal of physical chemistry online from 2006 to present -
Holdings: 33:7–67 (year 1959-1993) (closed stack). ISSN 0036-0244.

Russian journal of physical chemistry, Series A: Focus on chemistry

Read: Russian journal of physical chemistry, Series A online from 2007 to present - ISSN 1990-7923.

Russian journal of physical chemistry, Series B: Focus on physics

Read: Russian journal of physical chemistry, Series B online from 2007 to present - ISSN 1990-7923.


Safety in air and ammonia plants

Holdings: 11 (year 1969) (Library, Säkerhetshyllan). ISSN 0069-293X.

Safety in polyethylene plants

Holdings: 1–3 (year 1973–1978) (Library, Säkerhetshyllan). ISSN 0069-2956.

Sbornik vysoké skoly chemicko–technologicke v praze. Potraviny

Holdings: 55–59 (year 1983–1985) (closed stack). ISSN 0554-9701.

Schweizerische milchwirtschaftliche forschung

Holdings: 1–10 (year 1972–1981) (closed stack). ISSN 0255-9056.

Schweizerische milchzeitung

Holdings: 101–107 (year 1975–1981) (closed stack). ISSN 0370-9108.


Read: Science online from 1880 to present -
Read: Science online from 1880 to present (embargo 5 years) -
Holdings: 105–350 (year 1947–2015) gaps, (closed stack). ISSN 0036-8075.

Scientific monthly

Read: Scientific monthly online from 1915 to 1957 - ISSN 0096-3771.

Scientific papers of the Institute of physical and chemical research

Holdings: 1–32 (year 1922–1937) (closed stack).

Scienza e tecnica lattiero

Holdings: 17–37 (year 1966–1986):1 (closed stack). ISSN 0390-6361.

Selective electrode reviews

Formerly known as: Ion-selective electrode reviews.
Holdings: 10–14 (year 1988–1992) (closed stack). ISSN 0894-3923.

Sensors and actuators. B

Read: Sensors and actuators. B online from 1990 to present - ISSN 0925-4005.

Sitzungsberichte- akademie der wissenschaften in Wien. 2B chemie

Holdings: 131–138 (year 1922–1929), 140 (year 1931) (closed stack). 

Soft matter

Read: Soft matter online from 2005 to present -
Holdings: 1–2 (year 2005–2006) (closed stack). ISSN 1744-683X.
Volume 1 bound with Journal of materials chemistry Volume 2 and placed in closed stack.

Solid state ionics

Read: Solid state ionics online from 1980 to present - ISSN 0167-2738.

Soviet electrochemistry

Holdings: 1–25 (year 1965–1989) (closed stack). ISSN 0038-5387.

Soviet journal of coordination chemistry
Koordinatsiannaja chimija

Continued as: Russian journal of coordination chemistry.
Holdings: 8–18 (year 1982–1992) (closed stack). ISSN 0364-4626.

Spectrochimica acta

Continued as: Spectrochimica acta. Part A, Molecular spectroscopy, and Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy
Read: Spectrochimica acta online from 1939 to 1966 - ISSN 0371-1951.

Spectrochimica acta. Part A, Molecular spectroscopy

Continued as: Spectrochimica acta. Part A, Molecular and biomolecular spectroscopy.
Formerly known as: Spectrochimica acta.
Read: Spectrochimica acta. Part A, Molecular spectroscopy online from 1967 to 1994 - ISSN 0584-8539.

Spectrochimica acta. Part A, Molecular and biomolecular spectroscopy

Formerly known as: Spectrochimica acta. Part A, Molecular spectroscopy.
Read: Spectrochimica acta. Part A, Molecular and biomolecular spectroscopy online from 1995 to present - ISSN 1386-1425.

Spectrochimica acta. Part B, Atomic spectroscopy

Formerly known as: Spectrochimica acta.
Read: Spectrochimica acta. Part B, Molecular and biomolecular spectroscopy online from 1967 to present - ISSN 0584-8547.

Spectroscopy letters

Read: Spectroscopy letters online from1997 to present -
Holdings: 1–21 (year 1968–1988) (closed stack). ISSN 0038-7010.

Statens forsögsmejeri. Beretning

Continued as: Statens Mejeriforsøg. Beretning.
Holdings: 1–261 (year 1925–1984), gaps, (closed stack). ISSN 0366-3221.

Structure reports. A metals and inorganic compounds

Holdings: 8–58 (year 1940–1993) (closed stack). ISSN 0166-6983.

Structure and bonding

Holdings: 1–44 (year 1966–1981), 46 (year 1981), 79 (year 1992), 128 (year 2008) (Library, Monografiserier). ISSN 0081-5993.


Read: Stärke online from 1998 to present -
Holdings: 21–54 (year1969– 2002), 58–63 (year 2006–2011), gaps, (Library, Periodica). ISSN 0038-9056.

Sub-cellular biochemistry

Holdings: 1–13 (year 1971–1988) (closed stack). ISSN 0306-0225.

Survey of progress in chemistry

Read: Survey of progress in chemistry online from 1963 to 1983 -
Holdings: 1–8 (year 1963–1977) (closed stack). ISSN 0081-976X.

Svensk kemisk tidskrift

Continued as: Kemisk tidskrift.
Formerly known as: Kemiska notiser.
Read: Svensk kemisk tidskrift online from 1889 to 1919 - 1889–1919
Holdings: 1–80 (year 1889–1968) (closed stack). ISSN 0371-0742.

Swiss food

Holdings: 1–7 (year 1979–1985) (closed stack). ISSN 0251-1681.


Read: Synlett online from 1989 to present -
Holdings: 1989–2008 (closed stack). ISSN 0936-5214.


Read: Synthesis online from 2006 to 2024 -
Holdings: 1969–2005 (closed stack). ISSN 0039-7881.

Synthesis and reactivity in inorganic and metal-organic chemistry

Continued as: Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal-Organic, and Nano-Metal Chemistry.
Formerly known as: Synthesis in inorganic and metal-organic chemistry.
Read: Synthesis and reactivity in inorganic and metal-organic chemistry online from 1997 to 2004 -
Holdings: 4–12 (year 1974–1982) (closed stack). ISSN 0094-5714.

Synthesis and reactivity in inorganic, metal-organic, and nano-metal chemistry

Continued as: Inorganic and Nano-Metal Chemistry.
Formerly known as: Synthesis and reactivity in inorganic and metal-organic chemistry.
Read: Synthesis and reactivity in inorganic and metal-organic chemistry online from 2005 to 2016 - ISSN 1553-3182.

Synthesis in inorganic and metal-organic chemistry

Continued as: Synthesis and reactivity in inorganic and metal-organic chemistry.
Holdings: 1–3 (year 1971–1973) (closed stack). ISSN 0039-789X.

Synthetic communications

Read: Synthetic communications online from 1997 to present -
Holdings: 1–29 (year 1971–1999) (Library, Periodica). ISSN 0039-7911.



Read: Talanta online from 1958 to present - ISSN 0039-9140.

Technique laitière

Holdings: 1965–1982 (closed stack). ISSN 0040-1242.


Holdings: 1964–1969 (closed stack). ISSN 0494-9900.


Read: Tetrahedron online from 1957 to present -
Holdings: 1–57 (year 1957–2001) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Tetrahedron. ISSN 0563-2064.

Tetrahedron. Assymmetry

Read: Tetrahedron. Assymmetry online from 1990 to 2017 - ISSN 0957-4166.

Tetrahedron letters

Read: Tetrahedron letters online from 1959 to present -
Holdings: 1–42 (year 1959–2001) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Tetrahedron. ISSN 0040-4039.


See: Journal of molecular structure: THEOCHEM. ISSN 0166-1280.

Theoretica chimica acta

Continued as: Theoretical chemistry accounts.
Read: Theoretica chimica acta online from 1962 to 1997- ISSN 0040-5744.

Theoretical chemical engineering

Formerly known as: Theoretical chemical engineering abstracts.
Holdings: 28–36 (year 1991–1999) (closed stack). ISSN 0960-5053.

Theoretical chemical engineering abstracts

Continued as: Theoretical chemical engineering.
Holdings: 6–27 (year 1969–1990) (closed stack). ISSN 0040-5787.

Theoretical chemistry accounts

Continued as: Theoretica chimica acta.
Read: Theoretical chemistry accounts online from 1997 to present -
Holdings: 96–103 (year 1997–1999) (closed stack). ISSN 1432-881X.

Thermochimica acta

Read: Thermochimica acta online from 1970 to present -
Holdings: 1–227 (year 1970–1993) (closed stack). ISSN 0040-6031.

Topics in catalysis

Read: Topics in catalysis online from 1994 to present -
Holdings: 1–41 (year 1994–2006), 44 (year 2007), 49–51 (year 2008–2008) (closed stack). ISSN 1022-5528.

Topics in current chemistry (book series)

Formerly known as: Fortschritte der chemischen Forschung.
Read: Topics in current chemistry online from 2016 to present -
Holdings: 40–281 (year1973– 2007) (Library, Monografiserier). ISSN 0340-1022.

Topics in current chemistry (journal)

Read: Topics in current chemistry online from 2016 to present - ISSN 2364-8961.

Topics in phosphorus chemistry

Holdings: 1–9 (year 1964–1977) (closed stack). ISSN 0082-4992.

Topics in stereochemistry

Holdings: 1–22 (year 1967–1999) (Library, Monografiserier). ISSN 0082-500X.


Read: TrAC online from 2016 to present - ISSN 0167-2940.

Transactions of the Faraday society

Continued a: Journal of the Chemical Society. Faraday transactions. I, and
Journal of the Chemical Society. Faraday transactions. II.
Read: Transactions of the Faraday society online from 1905 to 1971-
Holdings: 1–67 (year 1905–1971) (closed stack). ISSN 0014-7672.

Transactions of the institution of chemical engineers

Continued as: Chemical engineering research & design.
Holdings: 48:4/6–60 (year 1970–1982) (closed stack). ISSN 0046-9858.

Transition metal chemistry

Read: Transition metal chemistry online from 1975 to present -
Holdings: 9–24 (year 1984–1999) (closed stack). ISSN 0340-4285.

Trends in analytical chemistry

See: TrAC.

Trends in biochemical sciences

Read: Trends in biochemical sciences online from 1976 to present - ISSN 0968-0004.

Trends in biotechnology

Read: Trends in biotechnology online from 1983 to present - ISSN 0167-7799.

Trends in food science and technology

Read: Trends in food science and technology online from 1990 to present -
Closed stack 2(1991)–13 (year 2002) (closed stack). ISSN 0924-2244.


Welt der Milch

Formerly known as: Molkerei–Zeitung.
Holdings: 7–31:25 (year 1953–1977). (closed stack). ISSN 0043-2512.

Verfahrenstechnik : Informationen für planung, bau und betrieb von apparaten und anlagen

Formerly known as: VT.
Holdings: 18–33 (year 1983–1999) (closed stack). ISSN 0175-5315.


Continued as: VR. Verpackungs-Rundschau.
Holdings:: 24–25 (year 1973–1974) (closed stack). ISSN 0042-4307.

Vibrational spectroscopy

Vol.ume 1–2 included in Analytica chimica acta volume 240, 253
Read: Vibrational spectroscopy online from 1990 to present - ISSN 0924-2031.

VR. Verpackungs-rundschau

Formerly known as: Verpackungs-Rundschau.
Holdings: 26–36 (year 1975–1985) (closed stack). ISSN 0341-7131.

VT : Verfahrenstechnik

Formerly known as: Chemical engineering and processing, and partly: Verfahrenstechnik.
Holdings: 17 (year 1983) (closed stack). ISSN 0341-2644

Wärme- und stoffübertragung

Continued as: Heat and Mass Transfer: Wärme- und Stoffübertragung.
Read: Heat and Mass Transfer online from 1968 to 1994 -
Holdings: 1–28 (year 1968–1993) (closed stack). ISSN 0042-9929.


Zeitschrift für analytische chemie

Continued as Fresenius' Zeitschrift für analytische Chemie.
Read: Zeitschrift für analytische Chemie online via Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry from 1862 to 1944 -
Holdings: 57–127 (year 1918–1944) (closed stack). ISSN 0372-7920.

Zeitschrift für angewandte chemie

Continued as: Angewandte Chemie (1932).
Holdings: 1–44 (year 1888–1931) (closed stack). ISSN 0932-2132.

Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine chemie

Read: Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie online from 1996 to present -
Holdings: 1–208 (year 1892–1932), 295–628 (year 1958–2002) (closed stack). ISSN 0044-2313.

Zeitschrift für chemie

Holdings:: 4–27 (year 1964–1987) (closed stack). ISSN 0044-2402.

Zeitschrift für elektrochemie

Continued as: Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft für physikalische Chemie.
Formerly known as: Zeitschrift für Elektrochemie und angewandte physikalische Chemie.
Holdings: 56–66 (year 1952–1962) (closed stack). ISSN 0372-8382.

Zeitschrift für elektrochemie und angewandte physikalische chemie

Continued as: Zeitschrift für Elektrochemie.
Holdings: 1–55 (year1894/95– 1951) (closed stack). ISSN 0372-8323.

Zeitschrift für kristallographie - crystalline materials

Formerly known as: Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, Kristallgeometrie, Kristallphysik, Kristallchemie.
Read: Zeitschrift für Kristallographie online from 1995 to present -
Holdings: 147–220 (year 1978–2005) (closed stack). ISSN 0044-2968.

Zeitschrift für kristallographie, kristallgeometrie, kristallphysik, kristallchemie

Continued as: Zeitschrift für Kristallographie.
Holdings: 73–146 (year 1930–1977) (closed stack). 

Zeitschrift für kristallographie, kristallgeometrie, kristallphysik, kristallchemie. Ergänzungsband. Strukturbericht

Holdings: 1–7 (year 1913–1939) (closed stack). 

Zeitschrift für untersuchung der lebensmittel

Continued as: Zeitschrift für Lebensmittel - Untersuchung und - Forschung.
Read online in European food research and technology online from 1926 to 1943 -

Zeitschrift für lebensmittel - untersuchung und - forschung

Continued as: Zeitschrift für Lebensmittel - Untersuchung und - Forschung. A Food research and technology, and B Referate und Lebensmittelrecht.
Formerly known as: Zeitschrift für Untersuchung der Lebensmittel.
Read online in: European food research and technology from 1943 to 1996 -
Holdings: 178–203 (year 1984–1996) (closed stack). ISSN 0044-3026.

Zeitschrift für lebensmittel - untersuchung und - forschung. A Food research and technology

Continued as: European food research and technology.
Formerly known as: Zeitschrift für Lebensmittel - Untersuchung und - Forschung.
Read online in: European food research and technology from 1997 to 1999 -
Holdings: 204–208 (year 1997–1999) (closed stack). ISSN 1431-4630.

Zentralblatt für bakteriologie, parasitenkunde, infektionskrankheiten und hygiene

Holdings: 131 (year 1976) (closed stack). ISSN 0044-4057.

ZFL. Internationale zeitschrift für lebensmittel-technologie und verfahrenstechnik

Holdings: 34–44 (year 1983–1993) (closed stack). ISSN 0722-5733.


Österreichische milchwirtschaft

Holdings: 20–31 (year 1965–1976) (closed stack). ISSN 0369-786X.

Detailed information and conventions in the list of journals

Print journals

All print journals in the Library of Science are listed by the branch library where they are held. Print journals cannot be borrowed, but you can read, copy, or scan them in the branch library in question. You can also find several of the Library of Science's print journals in the library catalogues LUBcat and LIBRIS.

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Electronic journals

The Library of Science’s list of journals includes electronic journals. To access electronic journals use your Lucat login or the username and password linked to your Lund University student account.

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Conventions in the list of journals

  • ‘Holdings’ refers to the specific years of printed periodical back issues held at the library.
  • ‘Closed stack’ indicates that a print journal is in the library’s store. Tell us which volume or issue of a journal you want and we will fetch it for you.
  • [ ] indicates information intended for library staff use only.

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Please tell us if you encounter any problem with links in the Library of Science’s list of journals so we can fix it immediately. Write to the Library of Science website manager Ulrika Björklund (ulrika [dot] bjorklund [at] science [dot] lu [dot] se (ulrika[dot]bjorklund[at]science[dot]lu[dot]se)).