Publication and citation analysis
Publication and citation analysis, or bibliometrics, is the quantitative statistical analysis of research publications. It includes metrics to measure productivity using the number of publications, to measure impact using the number of citations, and to visualise subject structures and patterns of collaboration.
How we can assist you
The Library of Science can provide assistance in the following areas:
- Analysis of research topics and subject structures based on publications (keywords, titles, and abstracts) at faculty, department or research group levels.
- Analysis of collaboration patterns within your organisation at faculty, department or research group levels.
- Collaborations with other higher education institutions at faculty, department or research group levels.
- Publication statistics and citation data at faculty, department or research group levels such as articles published per year, articles per journal, or the number of articles per citation class (impact factor (IF) range).
- Analysis of researchers at the indivudal level based on h-index, total number of citations, most cited publications, and scientific impact as citations per paper (CPP).
Contact Anja Zimmerman to discuss bibliometric analysis and how we can assist you.
Please contact us in good time before you need the results, so that we can schedule time for the analysis and make sure that it does not conflict with our other activities.
Extracting documentation and reports from LUCRIS
Using the LUCRIS research database, you can extract standardised research reports and statistics for publications and research activities at the departmental, research group or project levels. Reports extracted from LUCRIS can also be used used as a basis for bibliometric analysis.
Anyone can search for information in LUCRIS, but special authorisation is required to extract reports. The Library of Science has this authorisation and can extract reports on request.
Contact Anja Zimmerman for assistance with LUCRIS reports.
Extracting documentation and reports from LUCRIS –
Anja Zimmerman
anja [dot] zimmerman [at] science [dot] lu [dot] se
Telephone: +46 76 139 17 01