The library gives you access to a large number of different databases and search tools where you can search for scientific material. Some databases are focused on specific subject areas, while others are interdisciplinary and contain material from different subjects and fields. Your topic and your assignment determine which database or search service you should choose. You may need to try several different search tools before you find the right one. Contact us if you have questions or want to know more about how to use a particular database or search tool.
LUBsearch Databases A-Z
LUBsearch Databases A-Z is a collection of databases and search tools that you have access to via Lund University Libraries. It also include open access and free resources selected by librarians. LUBsearch Databases A-Z supports free-text searches, alphabetical searches, and subject searches.
Search and find in LUBsearch Databases A–Z
Interdisciplinary search tools
- Web of Science
- Scopus
- PubMed
- Google Scholar
- Overton this database can be used to search for grey literature.
Selected subject-specific databases
Below, you can find a selection of subject-specific databases.
Shortcuts to the content:
Biology and environmental science
The Web of Science is particularly useful for biologists as it includes such databases as Zoological Record®, BIOSIS®, and CABI.
Further resources in biology and environmental science
The links below lead to the resources’ websites.
- Artfakta, SLU Swedish Species Information Centre species identification database (Swedish only)
- Artdatabanken, SLU Swedish Species Information Centre identification database (Swedish only)
- BioCyc (access on site via the university network or via Lucat login)
- Birds of the World (access on site via the university network or via Lucat login)
- EUR-Lex
- Fauna Europea – all European animal species online NOTE: Temporarily unavailable due to cyber attack.
- ISSG Global Invasive Species Database
- The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™
- Royal Botanic Gardens Kew data and digital resources
- SGU Geological Survey of Sweden, data host for environmental toxins (Swedish only)
- Statistics Sweden
- Swedish Board of Agriculture statistical database (Swedish only)
- Swedish Environmental Protection Agency database Skyddad natur (Swedish only)
- Swedish Environmental Protection Agency – Environmental monitoring data (Swedish only)
- Swedish Pollutant Release and Transfer Register
- Swedish public administration legal information
- TAIR, The Arabidopsis Information Resource (access on site via the university network or via Lucat login)
- Water Information System Sweden database (WISS)
The Web of Science is particularly useful for chemistry and food technology because it includes the FSTA® Food Science and Technology Abstracts database.
Further resources in chemistry
The links below lead to the resources’ websites.
- American Chemical Society publications (access on site via the university network or via Lucat login)
- American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Library (access on site via the university network or via Lucat login)
- Cambridge Structural Database (CSD)
- CHEMnetBASE chemical databases
- ChemRxiv
- Embase® (access on site via the university network or via Lucat login)
- Espacenet patent search
- European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) databases
- FSTA Food Science and Technology
- ICSD – the Inorganic Crystal Structure Database
- International Chemical Safety Cards (ICSC) database
- Kirk – Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology (access on site via the university network or via Lucat login)
- Merck SigmaAldrich®
- Reaxys® chemistry database (access on site via the university network or via Lucat login)
- Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) databases (access on site via the university network or via Lucat login)
- SciFinder-N (login required). If you have used SciFinder before, use your current SciFinder username and password to login. New users will need to create an account: Create an account
Please note that registrations only can be done from computers within the LU IP-range. You have to use a Lund University email address at the registration. - SIS Swedish Institute for Standards (access on site via the university network or via Lucat login)
- SpringerMaterials Landolt-Börnstein Database (access on site via the university network or via Lucat login)
- Swedish Food Agency national food database
- Ullmann’s Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry (access on site via the university network or via Lucat login)
- US National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) databases (access on site via the university network or via Lucat login)
Geology and physical geography
The links below lead to the resources’ websites.
- American Geophysical Union (AGU) publications (access on site via the university network or via Lucat login)
- BTJ Swedish press database (Swedish only) (access on site via the university network or via Lucat login)
- Geological Society of London Lyell Collection (access on site via the university network or via Lucat login)
- Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU) database GeoLagret (Swedish only)
- GeoRef (access on site via the university network or via Lucat login)
- Global Newsstream (access on site via the university network or via Lucat login)
- Retriever Research Nordic media databases (access on site via the university network or via Lucat login)
- TEPA Term Bank
Climate and geodata
- Baltic Sea Bathymetry Database
- Coastal Data Portal (Swedish only)
- Lantmäteriet Open Geodata
- Swedish County Administrative Boards geodata (Swedish only)
- Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) open access data
Lund University’s Geographic Information Systems Centre lists free geodata resources, both Swedish and international. The resources range from static map image to interactive map services.
Geographical data for everyone –
Physics and astronomy
The links below lead to the resources’ websites.
- arXiv open access archive
- Espacenet
- IEEE Xplore digital library (access on site via the university network or via Lucat login)
- Inspec Engineering Research Database (access on site via the university network or via Lucat login)
- INSPIRE High-Energy Physics Literature Database
- International Nuclear Information System (INIS)
- JACoW Joint Accelerator Conferences Website
- NIST Physical Reference Data
- SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
- SIS Swedish Institute for Standards (access on site via the university network or via Lucat login)
- SIMBAD Astronomical Database
- Spie Digital Library
- SpringerMaterials – The Landolt-Börnstein Database (access on site via the university network or via Lucat login)
Alvin — A platform for digital collections and digitised cultural heritage
Use Alvin to search and find manuscripts, private archives, pictures, maps, and older print material across Sweden, including the university libraries in Lund, Uppsala, and Gothenburg.
Remote access
Here you will find information on how to use the library's e-resources when you are outside the university network.