Requirements for open research data and data management plans
Many research funding bodies, publishers, journals, and others require researchers to publish their research data open access. Many research funding bodies also require the projects they finance to have a data management plan.
Requirements of publishers and journals
Many research journals and publishers recommend or require that the research data used in a publication is openly available. Some also have specific requirements for which database or databases to use.
Requirements of research funding bodies
There are increasing requirements among research funding bodies for research data to be organised and open access. Research funding bodies expect not only open research data, but also a plan for data management for the duration of the research project.
As of 2019, the Swedish Research Council and Formas require all research grant-holders to have a research data management plan in place from the beginning of the project, and that the resulting data and metadata are openly available, provided this does not contravene any law.
If you are unsure of what applies to your research project, check the terms that accompanied the grant or contact your research funding body. The Sherpa Juliet database has details of some research funding bodies’ requirements for open access.
Search and find research funders’ open access policies in Open policy finder.
Kurt Mattsson
datasteward_n [at] researchdata [dot] lu [dot] se (datasteward_n[at]researchdata[dot]lu[dot]se)
Phone: +46 79 063 08 23
Thomas Tengelin Nyström
datasteward_n [at] researchdata [dot] lu [dot] se (datasteward_n[at]researchdata[dot]lu[dot]se)
Phone: +46 72 08 49 804